[Mackenzie]introduction #1

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This is not a fairy tale or a beautiful love story, if
it were there would be a happy ending. Unfortunately, this story lacks one. Okay, maybe I lied it is a love story but don't get too excited, the fun only lasts for so long. You have been warned.

Have you seen those teenage girls on tv who wake up to pancakes with fresh raspberries piled on top with a perfect family? Yeah, that's nothing like me at all. It's mostly in American sitcoms we brits just grab a slice of toast and run to our inquires, well I do at least. I mean I don't mind, they can keep their blonde bouncing curls and gleaming smiles to themselves. I believe that girls shouldn't idolize other girls who spend their childhood obsessing over guys that won't matter in years.
What use are they anyway all they do is mope around and play video games. I've never really had that boy crazy stage and even if I do I doubt they would throw themselves at me, they are how do you say? The beauty standard.

I've only seen the guys at school go for the same blonde pretty perfect girls at school whilst the rest of us are stuck on the sidelines. Maybe one day ill find a guy who doesn't repulse me and they'll find someone who they don't mind having eyes darker than the pitch-black sky or won't bat an eye to holding hands with the most standoffish girl in willowdam academy. I don't see myself meeting Mr Darcy and even then he didn't intrigue me like all my cousins were raving about. I simply didn't see the dream they were making him out to be.
Anyway, that doesn't bother me I'm more of a geek anyway. I'd rather spend my time in a field confetti-ed with thousands of bluebells and when I lay against the grass it would tickle my back. I'd have an Enid Blyton book and I'd hold it up against the sun so it wouldn't go in my eyes and read until there's nothing else to read. Until all the books have been read and all I'm filled with is wondrous thoughts. Perhaps an adventure book where I'm a pirate posing as a man but once my identity is revealed, I dash away on my trusted steed and snicker at my enemies' frustration, clutching the forbidden treasure in my arms. I'd rather do that than "fall in love".

Love is overrated, it doesn't last so far as I'm aware. If it did my mum would still be here and not travelling the world with a guy she met in a bar. From what I was told he was a real arsehole with a bad attitude and a smoker's cough.
That was hard on my dad, I was very young so I don't remember it too clearly. Dad told me that he came back from work and all her things were gone and she left a note explaining everything. I've never seen the note myself and I've always wondered what she'd written. How about sorry kid for abandoning you but ill come back soon so then I'm not labelled as a shitty mother. After eight years with her gone, I stopped waiting.
After that, I decided I hated her, and we were better off without her although some nights I wonder where I would be if she was still here. Would I have grown up to be a better person? Would I have been worse? What if her disappearance made me resilient or what if she just made things harder for me?Made everything much more difficult than they need to be. I mean I managed 17 years without her so dad is making up for her absence.

He's trying his best though, he had a girlfriend for a while but I never liked her, he shouldn't replace mum I just want it to be him and me. I can't lie, it was nice for a while because she knew how to braid coiled hair and she didn't rag on my hair as dad does. He's trying and that's what matters.

My life is quite bland at the moment, nothing exciting ever happens to me. Well, there is a rumour going around about me but not a, sneaking out and getting wasted, rumour more like a rumour that turns my friends against me, and everywhere I go people gossip. I hear what people say about me, the whispers, the giggles when I walk by, I know about it all. I'm so sick of the lies. It's been well over a year now so I shouldn't let it get to me but it still does. It's not even true, they don't know the whole story.No one does.
Anyway, I need to stop letting my mind wander and finish packing up this restaurant.

"Oi, this pizza isn't gonna finish itself" Frank yells from across the table.
"Frank I'm busy, and you do know just because you're my friend doesn't mean you can just drip your slobber all over my precious masterpieces without paying a penny," I said, picking up the pizza box and wiping the surface underneath it.
"You work too hard, the place is spotless, come on just one piece," Frank said, ignoring me. I eventually sat down opposite him and grabbed a slice. Frank picked it up with one hand, the mozzarella and tomato sauce slid off the pizza dough and onto his left leg.
"Ah shit" I shot up, grabbed a rag, and wiped his leg clean.
"Oh frank you daft twat you've got it on the seats go-OH MY GOD WHY ARE YOU-"
"IM SORRY IT JUST HAPPENS"Frank froze and turned bright red, I covered my eyes and sat back down as quickly as possible. Just as I was having an awkward moment with Frank a familiar and daunting voice hovered around my head.
"Long time no see Mackenzie I see you switched out forbidden fruit for Franky dearest here" snickered Beth, glaring down at me. That's Beth Miller. She and I don't get on so well.

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