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Pushing herself off the wall, she wandered around the patched of grass before plucking a tall daisy from its home.

The snapping of a twig interrupted her train of thought


Gasping, she whipped around, her brown locks flying all over the place. She clutched her chest, stopping her heart from falling out.

"Apologies," A deep voice spoke, "I didn't mean startle you."

He stepped forward and the moon shone over his face, lighting up his features. Dark locks and dark eyes stared back at her.

"No, my apologies, your majesty," Camellia immediately bowed down.

She had been in such close proximity with a King - with a royal for that matter.

"Please, refrain from the formalities," He spoke gently but there was an air of authority as he spoke that Camellia couldn't help but notice.

A moment of silence passed between them as they stood side by side. She wasn't sure how to respond other than a nod to her head; she had no idea how to talk to a King. She'd rather be uneventful than an embarrassment.

Then he turned to her.

"Isn't rather dangerous for a girl, like you, to be out here alone?" The King asked making conversation. Instantly she felt her pride be threatened.

"No," She frowned "I find that the only ones in danger are the ones that might find a girl, like me, out here alone," She responded slyly without trying to offend his majesty in any way.

A small smile broke out his face and a reminiscent gleam glowed in his eyes.

"Is that so?" An almost teasing look on his face.

"Quite" She replied with a curt nod.

He chuckled and the melody rang in her hears.

How strange...

This quite a different King from the one she saw in the banquet, where he sat brooding, making sure to look as unapproachable as possible, but as he stood before her here: laughing and smiling, for a moment - despite the drastic improvement - she wondered whether someone had swapped them.

"Are you enjoying the feast?" He took a step closer, his bold form towering over her, his dark locks tumbling over his forehead.

Tucking a stray hair behind her ear, she nodded losing her voice for a moment. Distracted by the flawlessness in front of her.

"Uh-" She composed herself, staring at the, now, very interesting daisy, "Yes, I am."

He nodded whether it was a response or to encourage her to carry on either way, she kept her eyes on the flower - whose petals she mercilessly plucking.

"The food was delicious and the staff did a wonderful job decorating," She smiled picturing the hall.

"And Mr Robinson was delighted to finally play something other than the wedding anthem," she chuckled

Her smiled stayed planted on her face as she met his gaze.

"Thank you," Her voice was quieter now, her cheeks warming.

"For?" His voice was just as low as hers

"For, well," She looked away again, needing poise, "Our town has never had such excitement- well, at least since I've been here - and I suppose I'm grateful that you came."

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