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"You're back."

Eliza spotted her brother as soon as she and the rest of her siblings arrived at the school.

"Shut up." He slightly shoved her with his shoulder making her dramatically fall into Rosalie's arms.

"Rose did you see that!" Eliza stayed in the blonde's arms and looked between her and her brother.

"I thought Rosalie was the dramatic one." Edward let a small smile appear on his face as his sister stood up.

"Well that's probably where I get it from." Rosalie laughed and nudged her sister to walk to the entrance of the school.

The day went by faster than she knew it. The Cullens were all standing by their cars waiting for something to happen.

"What is it?" Rosalie asked.

"I don't know I just have this feeling okay?" Eliza told her once again. "I don't know what it is but I just feel like something bad is going to happen soon." She kept scanning the parking lot of the school in hopes of spotting it before anything could happen.

"Alice hasn't seen anything yet though." Emmett pointed out.

"I know that just please believe me. I feel like something is going to happen and last time this happened we were almost killed by those werewolves okay? Just please believe me." She pleaded to her siblings.

"Fine." Then they heard it. The screeching of tires as they tried to stop. All of the Cullens turned their heads and saw a van heading towards Bella Swan at high speeds.

"Edward!" Eliza tried to call out to her brother but he was gone.

The other Cullen siblings stood by as they saw the van come to a complete stop. Everything was frozen. The second Edward's head appeared from behind the now crashed van, the other Cullen siblings rushed into their cars and left the parking lot.

"Really?" Rosalie hissed at her sister.

"I didn't know what would happen! I just knew that something was gonna happen. I didn't know that it was going to happen to her or that our idiot brother was going to go rescue her! Ugh! What was he thinking." Eliza shouted.

"I'm heading to the hospital. No doubt they took her there and I'm going to talk to Carlisle about what Edward did." Rosalie was already out of sight and her car was heard and then it disappeared.

"What happened?" Esme asked coming in with a salad for her youngest when she heard Rosalie leaving.

"Food!" Eliza reached for the bowl and immediately ran to sit down and eat.

"Eliza had a feeling that something was going to happen and it did. A van almost crashed into Bella Swan." Emmett answered their mother before anyone else.

"Is she okay?" By now they all knew about how Edward felt towards the human and they knew they wouldn't be able to stop how he felt. It happened when Carlisle met Esme, when Emmett met Rosalie and when Jasper met Alice. They had a connection and it was a dumb idea to fight it.

"She's probably fine." Eliza called out. "Edward stopped that van before it could even touch her. But he was stupid because he could literally spill our secret." She turned to Esme, "I think you should ground him."

Esme chuckled from her daughters response. "You and I both know he won't listen to me." Eliza shrugged.

"Was worth a shot." She continued eating her food before starting on her homework.

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