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2:00 a.m.

The club was packed as the persons coming in were twice the amount of the persons coming out. Looking around she wondered what it would have been like if she actually took the opportunity to become a stripper instead of a bartender. The pay would have been way better and she wouldn't have to deal with drunk men and their insecurities all the time. On the other hand however, showcasing everything that she wanted to be kept for her husband and him alone didn't seem like a better idea. So for now, a bartender is what she would stick to.

There were other jobs, call centers, fast food restaurants and even hotel work, but somehow bar tending worked with her schedule the best. She could come in late at night, get some sleep and go to her classes the next morning. Leaning on the counter, she began to imagine what her life would have been like if she was still in Jamaica. 

Probably would be stressing about her next meal, she scoffed, then letting out a small chuckle at her foolish thoughts. Even though she wasn't pleased with where she was working she knew she had better luck making a life in New York rather than back home.

"Get me a snake bite", a man that looked to be in his 40's slurred while making space for himself at the bar. 

She nodded and began to make the popular shot that she now knew by heart because of how many times people came to order it. Taking two ounces of Yukon Jack she poured it into the glass and then adding half ounce of lime juice to finish it off. Pretty simple but it had a big impact on your body. 

She handed it to the man with a smile, she had the urge to give him water instead. She often wondered how these men made it home in such a state. Then again, they probably left with women who was very eager to get grab them while they were vulnerable. 

Taking the shot, he held on to her hand, looking deeply in her eyes with a smirk.

"You're beautiful, you know that?", he said.

She nodded once again, this part of the job is what she hated the most. At first she thought it was against the rules for customers to flirt or take things too far with the bartenders but after complaining to the boss, he assured her that it was the norm and she should get with it.

"You don't talk girl?" he asked giving her hand that was still in his light taps. He threw the shot back, scrunching his face because of the burning sensation in his throat. Taking the time to regain his stance, he began staring in the face of the young bartender again.

In an attempt to move her hands from his, she pulled back. Sadly, the drunken man had a firm grip on her hand.

"Stop behaving so shy, I'm sure you have been waiting for a man like me to come and sweep you off your feet." He slurred cockily. 

Rolling her eyes, she was minutes away from causing a scene but she was contemplating on whether it would have been worth risking her job. Unsatisfied customers gave bad reviews and they may discourage potential customers from coming to the bar. Furthermore, she was quite sure that her boss would not hesitate to fire her as she would be in his words, "bad for business".

Sighing, she decided against making a big deal out of it, he was only trying to have a simple conversation anyways.

"Would you like another drink?", she asked with the same smile that she greeted him with earlier. 

She watched as he placed the now empty glass on the counter, shoving it towards her lazily. She took it and placed it under the counter.

"Cup of ice"

That was his request, that was everyone's request when they wanted to see a bit more than what she had to offer. The ice was in a freezer and sadly, because of her height, she would have to bend over to get to it. Every time someone came and ordered ice she had the urge to walk out on the job. She hated the fact that she was in a place that women were sexualized, seen as objects, only real purpose is to please. 

This was her job though so she had to do what she had to do. Bending over, she grabbed the ice and just as she was about to get up her bracelet decided to pair up with a metal inside the freezer.

"Great, just my luck", she huffed sarcastically. Not only was she in an uncomfortable position, she was also sufficing the needs of a customer she wanted to be long gone. Grabbing the ice, she placed it in another cup. She then realized that the man was no accompanied by another man.

Handing the cup to the man, he took it as well as holding her hand once again. At this point she was more than annoyed, she wanted him to leave so badly but at the same time, he was spending money regardless.

"You might want to let go off her hand big fella", the man that she thought was a friend of his spoke up. 

Now that she looked at him, she realized how much younger he actually looked. He was dark skinned and he was also muscular, she couldn't see much because the only light source she had was the colored lights but she could tell that he was handsome.

The man turned and gave him a hard stare. She immediately began to panic because she was in no space to break up a fight between two men who was much bigger than her. 

"Mind your business lil boy", he replied as he held on to her hand much tighter than before. It was starting to become uncomfortable but to ease the tension, she decided on keeping her mouth shut. If something did go off she did not want her name to be called.

In one swift movement, he grabbed on to the man's collar, pulling him away from the bar. Since he was holding on to her hand, she was pulled over the counter halfway before the distance caused him to let go.

She was breathing heavily, she was sure the man was not security and she was also wondering who would pay the man's tab.

Sighing, she thanked God that the man was now gone but hoped that no one realized what just happened and tell her boss.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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