part 11 (short)

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they started driving over to myles house. mattia could tell y/n was mad.
m: so like are you gonna tell me why we are going over there?
y/n: im still thinking and to be honest i think we can just wing it.
m: im still waiting for you to tell me why we are going.
y/n: oh well he canceled our date cause he talked to fucking jabez and mar sooo im going over to show him that now he should be worried.
m: you're a psycho.
y/n: i know mattia. i know.
they both laughed and then kept driving. after a while they got to his house.
y/n: okay this is it.
m: i have to go in dont i
y/n: wow so smart. yes
m: great.
y/n: its a favor. i'll repay it later
m: its gonna have to be 2 favors then
y/n: why
m: this is some risky shit y/n
y/n: okay whatever.
they got out the car and started walking into his house. y/n knocked on the door and he opened.
my: hey
y/n: hey myles. you know mattia right ?
my: yeah i do.
y/n: great great so mattia would you care to tell myles what we are
m: um friends.
y/n: correction best friends now myles is there anything you need to ask ME
my: um no not really
y/n: okay cool. dont speak to me ever again. im leaving now and you better believe i will fuck the shit out of mattia. it would be you but you dont trust me soo yeah
my: oh wow um ok.
m: i didnt plan anything soooo dont be mad at me
my: i really dont care.
y/n: and we didnt need you to.
myles nodded his head in awkwardness then y/n looked at myles
y/n: well bye myles
before myles could say anything she kissed mattia. then they heard the door close. so they stopped
m: bro you have balls
y/n: okay whatever and also im not going to fuck the shit out of you
they began walking to the car
m: damn i was really looking forward to it
y/n: well dont look forward
m: already did
t/n rolled her eyes. they made it to the car and got in. mattia started the car and started driving. y/n was playing music. they were driving for 5 minutes then y/n looked over at mattia. he was to concentrated on driving so y/n shifted her body closer to mattia. she started moving her hand to his thigh slowly getting closer to his dick. mattia looks down
m: y/n what the actual fuck are you doing.
y/n: nothing just drive
m: should i be worried
y/n: why would you be worried. im just thanking you.
m: okay but can you thank me later?
y/n: i wont want to later
y/n could tell mattia gave up trying so she undid his pants and his dick popped up
y/n: and you wanted to do this later.
mattia smiled and kept driving.

SMUT WARNING ⚠️ not really warning doe

yes bitch you gon be scrolling for a while 🥱

i lied not that long

y/n moved her head down to mattias dick. she swirled her tongue around the tip. then with no warning she put him in her mouth (idk if that makes sense but you get what im saying) she started moving her head up and down. she started to use her other hand to massage his balls  (im actually sorry 💀💀)
mattia groaned. she deepthroated it then moaned causing vibrations. she felt him twitch inside her mouth then she felt warm liquid go down her throat. she swallowed and sat up. mattia pulled his pants up while driving and y/n put her seatbelt on. she grabbed her water and finished the rest. she looked at mattia
y/n: thanks for today loser
m: i should be thanking you homie. you just gave me head while i was driving. i almost crashed *laughs*
y/n: *laughs* like i said. thank you.
m: you're welcome i guess.
y/n: come to my house later. i need help with something.
m: with what.
y/n: something. come by at 8.
m: um okay.
they got to mattias house. y/n unbuckled her seat beat and got out the car.
y/n: thanks again. i'll see you later homie.
m: see you later.
she started walking into her house. she got inside and went straight to her room. she plopped herself onto the bed and started playing music. she got up and decided to clean her room. after a little she heard a knock on the door.

sorry for the late update AGAIN and for this being soooo fucking bad. i dont know when imma update again. this quarantine shit has me tripping and also reading to many smuts 😳 snsn but i mean 😏. anyway i dont know when imma update again

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