Kirumi x Maki drabble

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All the girls of the 79th class were having a sleepover in Kaede's room and were all sitting on her bed playing Uno. Himiko placed a skip card down skipping Miu's turn "You little bitch" Miu said. "Nyeh my turns over now" Himiko said clapping her hands with her cards in them and the disappeared.  "Cool magic trick Himiko" Angie said stretching and Himiko's cards fell out of her sleeve "Okay how?" Kaede asked "Magic" Himiko replied. "Miu why are you constantly looking directly into Tsumugi's eyes?" Kirumi asked "I can see her cards in the reflection of her glasses" Miu said "What?! Wait now I see how you keep fucking me over" Tsumugi said "I'm looking at Angie's cards" Himiko said "How?" Maki asked "I'm using my phones reflection to see them" Himiko said "I've been looking at Kirumi's cards the whole time" Angie said "How you're directly opposite of each other?" Maki asked "I can see them through the mirror" Angie said "Okay everyone stop looking at everyone's cards" Kaede said "but Kaede.... I just saw you looking at my cards" Tenko said "okay are me Kirumi, Tenko and Tsumugi the only ones not cheating?!" Maki asked "Yep" Miu said "How about we do something else instead of play Uno?" Kirumi asked "like what?" Tsumugi asked "Like a pillow fight! If you get hit your out!" Tenko said throwing a pillow into Tsumugi's face "Hey no fair I wasn't ready" Tsumugi said slightly salty about being the first one out. "Yes I win!" Tenko said as everyone was out "Nope" Maki said hitting her with a pillow to the ground "How did we all miss Maki?" Tenko asked sounding defeated "Just a perk of being an assassin" Maki said "you can easily go unnoticed" Maki said sitting down. "Himiko are you okay?" Angie said poking her cheek. "She's asleep" Angie said "Well I'm tired to so I'm going to bed" Kaede said.

Time skip to morning

"Do you think we should wake them up?" Kaede said as they were all looking at Kirumi and Maki cuddling "Nah I'm still taking pictures" Miu said. "I think we should wake them up" Tsumugi said putting her phone away after taking some pictures "okay" Miu said getting really close to Kirumi and Maki "Wake up sleepyheads!" Miu said jumping back up to avoid getting punched in the face by Maki. Kirumi and Maki both blushed as they realized they were cuddling and backed away from each other. "Did you guys take pictures?" Maki asked "I took three" Angie said "15" Himiko said "20" Kaede said "7" Tsumugi said "I only took one" Tenko said "Tenko you took like ten" Kaede said "70" Miu said "How did you take 70?" Tsumugi asked "Maki's my best friend of course I can get tons of pictures of her in a small amount of time" Miu said and then someone knocked on the door and Kaede opened it to Kokichi "good morning girls" He said "What do you want you rat?" Miu asked "I just came to tell Kirumi that someone let Havoc out" He said "Wait someone let Trixie out last night?!" Kirumi said running out to go get her ferret "I still think that Havoc is a mean nickname for her ferret" Kaede said "Well she does cause a lot of havoc" Kokichi saidsaid "Fuck off you rat!" Miu said "Go away degenerate male!" Tenko said at the same time Miu spoke.

"Hey Kirumi!" Shuichi called her "Yes Shuichi?" She said looking at him "I found Trixie" He said holding his hat with Trixie in  it. "Thank you Shuichi" Kirumi said picking up her ferret from his hat. Kirumi walked back to her room "Now who let you out?" Kirumi said outside of her room when she saw Genocide Jack walk by spinning I pair of her scissors on her finger "Jack...." Kirumi said and she turned around "I know you and Junko can pick locks, did you break into my room last night and let my ferret out?" Kirumi said "shit, you caught me" She, responded "Why?!" Kirumi asked her "Well Kokichi is annoying as hell so I picked the lock to your room and got your ferret out, I don't remember what happened after that I must have sneezed" Jack said "So Toko probably knows what happened" Kirumi said and then pulled a feather out and made her sneeze "Ah! K-Kirumi!" Toko said switching back to her normal self after sneezing "Do you know what happened after your other personality let my ferret out?" Kirumi. Toko sighed "Yes. I sn-sneezed and I h-had your ferret in m-my hands but w-when I was going t-t-to put her b-back she b-bit me and I accidentally dr-dropped her and sh-she ran out. I w-wanted to go a-after her but it w-was t-too d-d-dark" Toko said.

Little time skip

After Kirumi put Trixie back in her cage she heard someone knocking on the door and opened it to see Maki. "Oh hi Maki, do you need something?" Kirumi asked her "Y-yeah. You know how we woke up cuddling with each other this morning" Maki said and Kirumi blushed "Yes" Kirumi said "Well I really liked it and wanted to do it again and I was wondering if you'd go out with m-" Maki was cut of by Kirumi kissing her and she kissed her back "Yes I will go out with you Maki" Kirumi said and kissed her again

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