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"Huh...wait...where am i...?"

The female slowly pushed herself off the ground. She was 6'4" and had long fluffy black hair that went to her knees, along with yellow eyes and a bandage that covered her right eye. She wore a black tank top with a brown sweater that was over-sized and fell to about her shoulders. She had black pajama pants with white paw print designs going across them and cat slippers on. Her head hurt, like a bat was constantly smacking her against the head. She shook her head before placing a hand on her forehead

"I regret doing that..."

It was all foggy right now, almost everything about herself was a blur. She only remembered her name...everything else hurt her head to even try and remember. However she felt something tugging at her pants. She looked down to see a fairly small Siberian Husky, with carefully groomed black and white fur, along with blue and yellow eyes. The dog stared up at the girl before whining. The girl keeled down to it's level before noticing a tag on its collar. She carefully looked at the tag, reading the name out loud.

"Asika...that must be your name. But why is a dog here with me..."

"Dost thou have anything else to do besides talk with a dog?"

A male voice spoke up in the dark. The female shrieked before falling back into a wall. He laughed before flipping the light switch next to him.

"Now that you are awake. Do you know an exit to this room?"

He looked down at her before leaning against the wall. The girl looked up at him to see a 5'10" boy with shaggy blond hair mostly covered by a white top hat. His bright blue eyes stood out to her the most along with the cocky smile he had on his face. His formal black suit and the long red cape he wore just completed his dramatic look.

"I...well...I don't exactly remember at all."

She laughed awkwardly. The boy raised an eyebrow as he walked towards her.

"So we are both in the same situation? Well isn't that just great."

"N-no you don't understand...I don't remember anything...not even stuff about myself...we except my name..."

"So you atleast remember your name? We can start there."

He smirked. She slowly stood up as Asika was helping her, shooting a glare at the boy. He hissed at the dog and the girl laughed.

"I don't think your name matters anymore now. I'm calling you a cat now."

"W-What?! Hmph! Just state your name and get this over with."

"My name...oh right! My name is Nyami Yamashita, that's about it."

"Thank you. My name is Caine Flynn! Actor extraordinaire! Or well my official title is the ultimate stage actor."

'He's an actor...? That must be a cool talent to have.'

"Alright I have to admit you have a cool talent there kitty."

"Please stop calling me that."

Nyami just laughed before she heard some crying from behind a table in the room. Caine signed before pushing the table out the way to reveal a dark skinned girl with cyan hair and eyes, along with a white sailor outfit and cap with blue highlights.

"N-No hurt me..."

She spoke quietly with some broken Japanese. Nyami gently moved Caine out of the way as she held a hand out to the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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