the new guy

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Jaliyah's pov

So I woke up got in the shower when I got out the shower I put on a sky blue crop top that said young money and some white skinny jeans and some blue and white wedges then let my hair fall straight then put on my blue and white snap back and the my white nerd glasses I ran downstairs past my mom then my ugly ass step dad he stopped me

Jaliyah:what do you want im going to be late

step dad:what is you in a rush for I know you dont want repeat of last time you got smart with me

Jaliyah:leave me alone

Step dad:bitch stop raising your voice at me or I will hurt your ass come home straight after or you will regret it


I left out the house then looked next to me someone was moving into the house next door it was a guy with an Mohawk any way I got in my car drove to school than I got out then walked in the school I saw my friend ceanna but for short cece I walked up to her then she said

Cece:sup jaliyah I have not seen you in so long

Jaliyah:what you talking bout cece I just saw you yesterday

Cece:but anyway have you seen the cute new guy over there

She pointed to the boy I saw this morning

Jaliyah:he's my new neighbor

Cece:he checking you out im going to go and tell him to come over here


Cece:stop being so danm shy girl

She walked over to him whispered something in his ear then his eyes got bucked oh god what she done told this boy he walked over to were I was

???:sup im Craig but you can call me prodigy and whats your name

Jaliyah:im jaliyah but lia for short so what she tell you

Prodigy:she told me you said that you would ride my dick all night till your vagina fell off

Bye the end of the sentence I was on the.floor laughing like crazy and prodigy was looking at me like I was crazy when I was done laughing he asked me a question

Prodigy:can you help me with my schedule


I looked at it we have the same classes

Jaliyah:follow me we have the same classes

We walked into class and sat down then just took notes

Lunch time

When I got my food I went over to prod and said

Jaliyah:you want to sit with us


He sat with us

Jaliyah:I going to kill you

Cece:what I do......oh well I got you two to talk

We talked laughed and had fun but then the bell rang and it was time to go so I got my stuff then went to the my car got in and then started driving but then I stoped when I saw prodigy walking

Jaliyah:you want a ride

Prodigy:yea I was about to go to cold stone ice cream you want to go


I started to drive my car again I then pulled up at the ice cream shop we got out then went inside we both got chocolate chip nut swirl then we sat down and we just started talking but there was one question that I have to ask

Jaliyah:is this a date

Prodigy:it is if you want it to be cause im interested in you are you

Jaliyah:yes so it is a date and also yes I am interested in you

So we talked and laughed for so long then I checked the time it was ten at night I had to get home I grabbed prodigy by the arm ran out of cold stone ice cream jumped in my car then drove home I got out of my car walked up to prodigy

Jaliyah:I had a good time

Prodigy:I did to we should do this again

I shook my head yes then we locked eyes then he leans in and then we kissed I felt sparks and passion I pulled away

Jaliyah:you a hella good kisser danm

Prodigy:haha you aint to bad yourself but goodnight I lo....

But he stoped like he was scared to say it

Jaliyah:I love you and you can tell me that

Prodigy:I love you to

Jaliyah:alright goodnight see you tomorrow

I then walked in the house and I could not help but think about prodigy I like the new guy

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