In Italy, Around Town

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AI seen the light of.. Well, afternoon instead of morning, as he left the tunnel. There was 3 bodies by the tracks, and one that seemed to be alive. AI quickly shot them in the head and ran off from the train-station.

AI swong his axe into the window of the locked bakery. "Fresh and not commtainmed food" AI slurred as he climbed through the window. He went behind the counter and grabbed a medium-sized bag before filling it up with bagels, donuts, croissants, and other bakery goods. "That'll do-" mumbled AI before noticing the open cash-register. He walked over and noticed at least 20-50 bucks in Italy money. He grabbed it and put it in his pocket before climbing back out the window and leaving the small bakery.

AI looked up and down the streets as if there were going to be cars passing by. AI sighed and countiued his way down the street when he noticed a random plane that seemed to be crashed but is in good condition nearly a block down. AI booked it down that street when he noticed what seemed to be a healthly person loading up on fuel for their plane ride. AI took his axe from the holster and approached behind the person. A blood-curdling scream echoed through the city as AI put his bloody axe back into its holster and climbing into the plane with the fuel. It took him a moment to realize something "I dont know how to fly a plane.."

After a couple words from the instructions, he started up the engine and began lift-off. "This isnt so bad, time to get away from here" said AI to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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