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Ok! So here it is! But before you read this you should probably know a bit more about the mysterious characters in the black cloaks! Otsu - xxxxxxx

Leader-xxxxxx (I'm not going to spoil anything)

Yata- always fighting with karma, he's really responsible and organized (male)

Karma- a psycho bitch who enjoys creeping people out, looses her temper really fast (female)

Shira- always complaining, (male)

Inori- very mysterious doesn't talk much but can be scary as fuck (female)

Makoto- very nice and kind always apologizing for everything even if it isn't his fault (male)


Yata gave a sigh of frustration as he walked on the forest floor. Currently the whole group was trying to find the location that their leader told them to meet up at and so far they weren't succeeding.

"You know...this would've been much either if someone" Yata looked directly at Karma " did their job properly and actually remembered where we were supposed to meat up!"The whole group groaned knowing that this would start yet another fight between their two comrades

"Well excuse me! You know my memory is shit! You should've asked someone else!"

"Guys can you just please not fight for once? It really does get anno-"

"SHUT UP!!" Both Yata and Karma screamed at Shira

"I-I'm sorry! This is all my fault! I should've remembered where the place was..I'm sorry..."

"No, no Makoto don't apologize! It's not your fault at all! If there's anyone to blame it's her!"

"Oh my god can you stop fucking blaming for everything at least once?!? I swear it's as if it's only my fault!"

"That's because it is!!" The two continued arguing as the rest of them walked forward ignoring the screams they heard in the background

"Do you think they'll ever stop?" Shira asked the others curiously "as much as I'd like to say yes......" Inori spoke up for the first time, stoic as always "no...never..." she looked back at her teammates motioning them to go on forward..those two would catch up eventually...


Back in Konoha


There was no time to waste. As soon as all the shinobi were let out of the hokages office they ran to get ready, not saying a word to each other. Only one thing was on their mind...Naruto... Was their friend safe? Where was he anyways? Could they really beat a group of ninjas...or whatever they strong that not even the Anbu could handle them? Was Naruto even couldn't allow themselves to think so negatively..the only thing that mattered now was saving their comrade..the same comrade that had saved them so many times.

Soon enough they were all ready standing at the gates of Konoha. Surprisingly, for once Kakashi wasn't late. In Fact no one was. An awkward silence fell on the group but was soon broken when Ace cleared his throat.

"Tsunade -sama asked me to accompany you on this mission since I know the place where Naruto was last seen. From there we will be able to track him down...hopefully..." Everyone nodded, they were impatient...every second that they wasted the enemy got further away.."So? What are you waiting for?! We don't have all day! I know that none of you want to think about it, but by now Naruto could be dead!' The raven practically screamed at the Anbu. Sakura shared a look with Ino. It was rare that Sasuke ever showed emotions...was the blonde idiot really that dear to him that he was willing to loose his cool? Well with the way the Uchiha seemed to be acting, it was probably so.

The Anbu quickly recovered from his shock and looked straight ahead "R-right! Everyone right this way! It's not far from here!" Ace began to run, not his fastest, as for he needed to conserve his energy if they were to go into combat with the enemy. But they were all running fast enough to reach the place where the blonde got kidnapped in a relatively short amount of time. That being around twenty minutes. When they actually reached the clearing the teens gasped. Sakura covered her mouth, horrified. Bodies were sprawled around the field, bloody, some of the beyond recognition. Clenching his teeth Ace had to look away from the scene in front of him. He couldn't bare to see the bodies of his fallen friends of his brother...the only person who he had left was gone, and what was he supposed to do now?!? If was not the time to feel self pity. He was a shinobi...and he had to fulfill his duty.

"W-why would anyone do something like this...oh this is horrible...and Naruto is in the hands of these people?!" Ino asked her hand on the pinkettes shoulder, as if trying to comfort her

"Relax....they told me that they wouldn't kill him. Now see if you can find any traces, anything at all..we need some kind of hint of where they went..." Everyone looked over at ace who already started to look for evidence and so they followed his lead.

"They're pretty good at covering their tracks.." Kakashi mused looking all around the area "really good actually...."

"Oi kiba did you pick up their scent?" "It's a bit hard you see Asuma- sensei...all this throwing us of..but..the only thing I can tell for sure is" Kiba paused and pointed North "that they went in that direction"

"Neji, Hinata you know what to do" Kurena looked over at the two Hyugas waiting for them to activate their byakugan and that's what they did.

"K-kiba kun was right.."

"There are five figures approximately forty kilometers away from here...pretty fast since they've only been traveling for around forty minutes...but..there's something really weird.." Neji squinted trying to concentrate more

"What's weird?" Ino asked interested

"Their chakra..its of like Narutos...." Everyone looked at each other. Like Narutos...could that mean...that they way...Fortunately Lee broke the awkward silence

"Yosh!! Then we must go to save our youthful friend! Since they traveled that far that means they're fast! Let us go faster than them and run fifty kilometers in forty minutes!"

"That's the spirit Lee! I say we do sixty!"

"No seventy!"



"Oh my god if you're going to do that we'll never catch up to them!! Instead of talking maybe actually start running!!!" TenTen screamed at her Sensei and teammate


"Everyone already left while you were doing.......your thing..."

"Oh?" Gai looked around to find out that Everyone had indeed gone "WELL LETS CATCH UP TO THEM WITH THE POWER OF YOUTH'!!!" And with those words the ninja ran, one of his students soon following him, leaving TenTen behind coughing with dust covering her vision

"HEY!!! Wait for me you BAKAS!!"

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