Chapter 20

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Reinven's POV
I went inside and I saw them in the living room watching Netflix movie "hey guys!" I shouted "yeah??" They answered "what are you guys watching?" I asked "itaewon class" oppa taehy answered "ow okay!" I sat beside oppa taehy and watched

After watching for hours

I saw them sleeping in the couch HAHAHA sleepy heads jimin oppa and kookie oppa are on the floor while the others are on the couch and bean bags aish that's not comfortable to look at I glanced at oppa taehyung and woke him up

"Yah oppa!" I tapped him lightly "jeori gaseyo!" (Go away!) He said wow (attitude ka crush?) Okay fine ill let them sleep here how about Mari "yah Mari!!!" I shouted a little at her ears "yah shout at me again I'll kill you" she said while still eyes closed "attitude much" I mumbled and left them in the living room

I went to my room and slept there cause I'm the only one who's awake so this so much better than sleeping in the couch Hihi finally I'll get to see Julianna and the others tom aish imma sleep

The next day...

The alarm went off and I punch the alarm clock "aish why the freak is there even a clock here" I said to myself I looked at the time and it's already 6:34am ow what the heck, why didn't they wake me up I took a shower and quickly went downstairs and they were all awake. THE FUDGE! eh I guess I need to wake up by myself so I won't argue

"Ow you're awake!" Mari said and went to me "come on let's eat" she said went to the dining area I just followed I don't feel like talking hehe

After eating went to the garage and went inside the car deym this smells nice "you sure you know how to drive??" Mari asked worriedly "yeah yeah you"re in safe hands don't worry" I said smirked "what with that smirk tho..." She asked "nothin" I said and drove off

After 20 minutes

"We're here" I looked at Mari and we went out of the car "aish I dunno how to write." I said "HAHAHA srsly you just didn't go to school for 1 month" she said laughed "don't laugh at me" I said and pout "Wait is that ow shm JULIANNA!!!!" i shouted and run over to Julianna "YOWWWW I MISS YOU!!!" I said excitedly and hugged her "why didn't you go to school for a month and you have a new friend" she said and I looked at Mari "uhm you serious? You'll go wherever I go?" I whispered to her "Of course duh I'm your P.A" she whispered back

Ow that's a thing "let's go to our room, story telling later for now let's go I miss you guys" I said and they followed me "seriously even in the room where not even in the same grade" I said to her "ah yeah you're right" she said went to her room

"Now explain" Bianca said with no emotion "I went to Korea okay?" I said to them in serious tone "What? HAHAHA stop joking around" they said "aish then don't believe me" I said to them and I just kept quiet

After few boring hours later

I was imagining something but then someone knocked on our door "Class listen!" The teacher said and I looked at the door huh it's Mari what is she doing here?

"So she will transfer class" the teacher said to us "uhm may I know why?" I raised my hand and asked "well the owner of the school wants her to transfer "uhm sir can we have a private talk? With Mari?" I asked "yeah sure let's go out" my teacher said

I heard murmurs and talking about stuff so weird aish. I went out of the room "Uhm sir may I know who is the owner of this school?" I asked politely

"Your brothers bought it" the teacher said "so you mean you know us?" I asked "of course" he said "so Mari is now my classmate??" I asked "yes" he answered quickly, I looked at Mari and she gave me that 'got u bits' look aish

"Can she sit beside me?" I asked sir "of course ma'am" he said aish "don't call me ma'am they shouldn't know about this okay?" I said while looking at my Prof

"Okay okay" he said and we went inside "so..." Mari spoke "what??" I asked "you pissed?" She asked "no but I'm not used to having a P.A in school" I whispered to her

Julianna's POV
First she lied that she went to Korea now she's replacing us with her?!? What??? "Bianca do you hear what are they talking about?" I whispered to her "of course no there are whispering you dumb dumb" she whispered back

"Hey reinven" I spoke to get her attention "yeah?" She answered "for real where were you?" I asked "I told you already u went to Korea how about this I'll tell you detailed later?" She said "yeah okay" I said "ow yeah btw you didn't tell me you're friends with her" I said to her teasingly

"Aish I will TELL YOU LATER!" she shouted the last part She's so noisy every body looked at us but the teacher ignored her huh that's weird last time even tho she's quiet the teacher always scold her

"Why didn't he scold you???" I asked reinven "cause I'm power full" she said and smirked
"Aish forget it" I said annoyedly

Break time

I was walking with reinven and Bianca Sophia is absent I think she lost her snow HAHAHA jk but beside reinven is Mari huh weird but okay

"MARI!!" someone shouted and we looked at the person eh? "Why didn't you come with us why are you with them?" Some random person said, I think that's her friend "u-uhm" Mari was startling "she just want to join us" reinven said with a fake smile the fudge is going on?? I'm so confused

"But why did she transfer room tho?" The kid is still talking I'm so hungry! "Cause-" Mari was about to speak but reinven cut her "cause the owner and her parents want" reinven said with no emotion

"Let's go" reinven said and we went to the canteen "you know you're rude you didn't let me finish what I was about to say" Mari said aish I really don't get them "Just say thank you to me or else we will still be there waiting for your answer" reinven said while getting her food

To be continueddddd
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