Chapter 1-meeting and knowing celeste

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Celeste P.O.V

Well shit they are going to electrocute me to death right now i sweaar to god,and who in the right mind would build a scientific research lab in no where of a freaking forest?! I don't want to let them know i have obtain the power to change my gender and shapeshift to a wolf or a half-wolf they will completely kill me with thier experiments!!

"Looks like we need a higher voltage level..." one of the scientist said. Are you freaking kidding me?! I am here already half dead!! That's it this is officially over!

"Hey she looked up....!"


"Did she just growled?"

I concentrated my power as my form starts to change to a half-wolf

"Hey! what's happening??"

my form was complete as i clawed the machines and set myself free,i then ran after the man in hidious white lab coat and started to claw them up one by one leaving none alive I then spotted this awfully nice body lying souless on the floor i strolled to it as i ripped out the delicious scent of human flesh and blood coming out of the arm i ripped. I can't help but love the scent as the blood gushed out and splashed at my skin as i started laughing.......Why am i so stupid i could have done this earlier why was i hesitating THEY WERE THE ONES WHO SHOULD BE SORRY AND THIS IS JUST THEIR PUNISHENT THEY DESERVE IT, FOOLS KILLED BY YOUR OWN CREATION. I thought as i hear my wicked laugh resound in this empty lab of dead bodies as i feel hot liquid streaming down my face.I then started to roam off wandering in the woods aimlessly as i used too much of my powers while i am still not used to it......*sigh* I then heard a twig snapped!

"WHO'S THERE?!" i yelled still in my wolf form as i saw a dude wearing mask? i can't tell too dizzy i thought as he walk towards me i raised my arm and let my claws out. He was right infront of me i was about to move my arm when i suddenly blacked out...


I was roaming around the woods having a nice walk until i heard a wave of screams coming from a certain direction i started to run to the direction of the screams before i reach i heard no more screams instead i heard a sick laughter even though i can sense hatred and sorrow in it. i continued to walk the same direction until i saw a shadow and decided to hide behind a tree for now to see what's happening. I then saw a extremely beautiful girl with raven long hair covering her eyes, a teared white cloth wrapped her chest like bandage, a white skirt(i think?) with the bottom ripped like a design and perked up ears and anxious tail wagging and top it all of claws......blood splattered all over her. I was so dumbstruck i stupidly stepped on a twig resulting a crack sound making her yell and quickly turn to face me. Oh well i started to walk towards her wanting to know why is she in the forest but it looks like she wants to attack me.after she was ready to strike me while i am right infront of her. Her claws suddenly retract and her ears and tail was gone as she blacked out and fall foward i held out my arms and support her as she fall. Not knowing what to do i carried her to slender mansion where i live.

*KNOCK KNOCK* I knocked the door waiting for someone to open the door for me and as the door open i saw sally

"Ohhh who is she??" she asked then shouted to the whole mansion before i could stop her

"EYELESS BROUGHT A GIRL HOMEEE CAN WE KEEP HER??" she yelled, i would facepalm if i could....then all the creepypastas came down quick and stared at me and the girl on my back as slenderman came with a angry face(i think)

"Explain!" slendy demand 

"Okay...but can we put her down somewhere first?" i asked as slendy nodded i left her on my bed as i started to explain what happen.

"Woah this is one hardcore gurl!" Jeff said a bit shocked

"Dayuumm" BEN whistled

" we keep-" i asked half way through as i heard a groan


I woke up to this huge headache of mine as i try to sit up. i look around to see unknowned people around as i go wide eye. i then reconized the mask of the person sitting infront of me.

"Heyy your the guy i saw at the woods..." i said out pointing at him then i look at the other people

"Um......hi?" i asked as i looked around

"where am i and who are all you??" i questioned

"ever heard of creepypasta?" the one with a white hoodie, carved in smile, burnt eyelids said

"yea i heard of it...." i replied

" okay i'll just leave it to slenderman to explain" he said....

"dear, you are in slender mansion right now. Eyeless brought you here and after hearing what he said i might let you stay depending on your side of the story. Well now it's the time to explain if you would" he said all polite. i like him then i frown at the thought of telling them

"it's a long story..." i said

"we have the time do continue" he said

"okay, well you see my body is somehow super compatible with experiments meaning they don't harm me. And after my foster parents found out they began to sold me out to scientist and researchers, and the last one they sold me off was a rich dude and promised them to give them whatever they want and need. That rich fatso had a huge lab in this forest and i was brought there to do research testing as they thought no one will interrupt the experiments. Though the experiments gave me the ability to switch gender and shapeshift to a wolf or a half-wolf but i didn't want the likes of them to find out because they would probably do worse things. But one night a scientist found out and they were trying to get me to use it but i refused and they started torturing me and doing everything they could to get it outta me..." i said feeling tears well up in my eyes.

i took a deep breath and continued "so i finally snapped" i then explain the killing spree part and by the time i am done this young girl ran up to me suddenly and hugged me, feeling love for the first time i hugged her back.

"well i guess its okay for you to live here seeing you don't have anywhere to go to" the same tall guy said as i smiled and thanked him, and he started to introduce the whole creepypasta family

"And i am celeste! nice to meet you" i said happy

"by the way you said you can switch gender right can i see it pretty pleaseee?" Sally asked me cutely

"haha why not?" i said and focus my power then my feminine body starts to get the shape of a guy and done

"cooooool!!" sally yelled

"haha thankyou" i said

"even your voice changed!!" Sally said all sparkly

"oh and since Eyeless is the on who brought you here he would be your mentor is that okay?" slenderman asked

"Of couse" i replied. well this seem to be a start of a new life...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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