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Ryan Carter

I grabbed my dorm keys and unlocked my dorm.

"Hey ryan" someone said

Turn around and saw that it was Izzy he smiled at me

"Oh wassup Izzy" I said leaning on the door frame.

Izzy dorm was across the hall from my dorm. He says hi to me everyday and we are good friends to.

"I heard y'all singing down at the lobby. Y'all are good" he said

I nodded "thanks. How's midterms" I asked

"Kicking my ass!" He said and I laughed

We finished our conversation after that I went inside my dorm. I threw my bag on the floor and sighed, I plopped down on the couch. Slowly getting ready to doze off when my phone started ringing.

Groaning I looked at it and it was Amara calling on FaceTime.

I answered "hello"

"Hey guess where I am" she said

"Where?"I asked

"My mama house" she said

"What are you doing there"I asked

"Well after she died, I barely knew her so I connected my uncle and he gave me a address on where her old house use to be before she died off of them pills"

Amara's Mom was a major drug addict. Amara and I met in pre-K and we were best friends since. My mom took her in after I told my mom the story of how her mom died.

"No shit!"I said

"YES" she said

"This is where I live" she said showing me the building

I laughed "hey, I'm really tired so can I call you back in a little while"

"Oh, go ahead and sleep girl" she said

We said our goodbyes and I went to sleep.

Later that night
Noah Brown

I sat in my car as I watched Cathy Ruth put her son to bed. In his race car bed.

Mrs.Ruth is still trying my patience even though she switch my class I was still craving blood.

Snap the bitches neck in half and cut off her fingers!.

"Yeah" i said to myself nodding

I haven't taken my meds in the past three days Because I hate the drowsy feeling it gave me. But without them I do some pretty bad stuff to people who make me jealous,mad, sad or just fucked up my life.

Just like when I killed my mother. I was only twelve when I did it. Little before that I killed my 7 year old brother Isaiah.

I started into space remembering that day.


I sat in my room looking up at the ceiling at my sticker stars that glow in the dark.

"Noah" Isaiah said with his helmet on with his elbow and knee pads

I looked at him then looked back up at the ceiling.

"Noah" he said again I rolled my eyes "I wanna go ride my bike"

I sat up and I fake smiled "sure...let's go ride your bike"

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