Chapter 10

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So Caroline has been here for her first night. The two nights were changed to three now four. I'm being to think she will never leave. I try and be civil with her, but I really fucking hate her. Like I try but she's such a bich. I just hate her not as much as John mind, they fight like cat and dog, which I can understand the other day she "accidentally" split tea all over him. She's as sweet as honey when Ian's around ofcourse. Reni and Mani hate her too however Reni's girlfriend, Nicole, has come to visit and they just spend all there time together, they can't keep there hands off each other. Which is nice, I'm glad they're happy, it just makes the house a bit crowded.
"So tonight there's this party the record label wants us to go to" John informed me.
"Oh ok"
"Caroline's coming" he says bitterly
"Shit" was all I could think to say, I'm not a massive part person but it would have been a break from Caroline.
"Why is she coming?" I ask
"I don't know" John said. John really wasn't a party person, he was just too shy, like me he likes to spend time with the band. I know Caroline will go out of her way to try and make it worse for John, she's just a bully.
"Oh hi you two"
Speak of the devil.
"Hi" you said bluntly.
"You to excited for the party?" She asks enthusiastically.
"I suppose" I tell her, just wanting her to leave us alone
"And what about you John, are you excited?"
"I suppose" he said not even turning to look at her.
"Well I am" she states
"Good for you then" I tell her shutting down the conversation.
"By the way" she said "as way of  saying thanks I made lunch for you all"
"Oh ok" you said.
You and John got up to go eat. When you got sat down Caroline brought out plates for everyone of surprisingly good food. There had to be a catch.
"Um Caroline what's in this?" John asks after taking a bite.
"All fresh things don't you worry" she said
"There isn't nuts in it are there?" He asks
"Um there might be, why?"
She asks and John gets up and runs out the room, quickly followed by Ian.
"What's wrong with him?" She asks
"He has a fucking nut allergy" Mani says angrily
"Whoops" she giggles a little
"Oh fuck you" I snapped, I couldn't hold it back anymore
"What? How was I supposed to know?" she says all innocently
"It's fucking obvious what you're doing"
She was about to say something when Ian entered the room.
"How is he?" She asks Ian.
He looked a little concerned
"Um he threw up a few times but he thinks he will still make it to the party" Ian informs us.
Poor John.
I got up to go see him
"Aren't you going to finish your food?"
Caroline asks
"No, I don't fancied getting poisoned thanks" I told her and walked out.

Time skip
Ian's proview

We were about to go to the party. Amy looked fantastic, she always does. All she was wearing was the clothes she wore every day, although there was nothing special about what she wore she still made it look like a run way outfit. And I know I said there was nothing special about the way she dressed but there was, she was original unlike Caroline. She was wearing this big, over the top dress. She looked so overly glamorous. She is being really nice though. I think maybe she feels guilty for what she did to me. Caroline and Amy had an argument today, I don't want to take sides but it seems like I wasn't given a choice. John and Amy are mad at me for not just kicking her out. It's not been a great day, I just kinda want it to end.

When we arrived at the house where the party was at it was full of people I hardly knew so I just went straight for the drinks. Hopefully if I get drunk enough I won't have to remember tonight. I just went over to a table of shots and didn't stop.
"Wow Ian, you really know how to enjoy yourself" Caroline said coming over to me
"W-what yeah I'm like super like yeah"
"Ok Ian" she said putting her hand on my shoulder "here" she said and gave me another drink "drink up"

I like I need to stop drinking now. Like I might go blind if i have any more alcohol. Can that like happen? That's so scary. Imagine if everyone was blind and alcohol made you see. Wow the world is so strange and beautiful.
"What are you thinking about?" Caroline asked me
"Just like how beautiful the world is"
I told her
She giggled
"that's nice" then grabbed my hand "come with me" she said I could hardly stand so she had to help me.
We went into the main room, there was a big crowd of people in there including John and Amy.
"Oh hi-" I went to go speak to them when I was interrupted by Caroline shoving her tongue down my neck and pushing me against the wall.
"W-what are-" I tried to ask her what she was doing but she grabbed my hair shutting me up. I wanted to push her off but I was too drunk. I looked over to Amy and John, Amy was running out the room and John was following her. I wanted to go after her but Caroline grabbed my  hand and dragged me into an empty bed room. She pushed me hard against the wall and then started to make out with me. I really wanted to push her off but I was slightly overwhelmed and wasn't sure what to do. Caroline started to unbuton my trousers.
"Caroline no-"
She didn't listen.
She got into my trousers and I felt her hand wrap around my-
"Fuck off!"
I pushed her off me using all my strength and she stepped back looking confused.
"What are you doing?" I asked angrily
"Showing you how sorry I am, I thought you wanted it" she said batting her eyes at me.
"You never fucking listen to me! I really thought you were trying to be nice but no-"
She came up and slapped me right round the face. I was too drunk for it to really hurt but I knew it would bruise in the morning.
"Ian, you never even bothered to properly end the relationship, we were together for 3 years and you wanted to end it all for some bich Amy you just met. I know about girls like her she's just going to use you. Trust me."
I shook my head and went to go leave and go  find the others, I looked all round the house but I couldn't find them so I went outside. Amy was sat outside on the grass and John had her arm around her.
"Hi you two, I was looking everywhere for you two" I slur and pull them both into a hug "I love you guys s-so so much"
Amy shook me off then turned to look at me. Her eyes were red and puffy
"John's taking me home Ian, we're waiting for the taxi" then she went back to looking at the floor.
"I-I'll take you home" I told her
"No Ian it's fine"
"No, no I don't want to stay here"
The taxi arrived and I convinced Amy to let me take her home. The ride home was awkward, she didn't even look at me.
When we got home I opened the door for her, "ma' lady" normally when I said something soppy like that she would laugh but she just walked in and ignored me.
I went straight to my room and fell on the bed
"AMY! YOU COMING TO BED" I called out.
She came in sheepishly
"Ian, I'm staying in John's room tonight"
I felt my heart sink a little.
"No please" I looked up at her "I don't want to be alone, you don't understand please don't leave me alone" she gave me a sorry look and went to leave.
"No Amy, just stay for a bit, just don't let Caroline come in" I felt myself falling asleep. She came over and sat next to the bed and held my hand. I entwined my fingers with her's and fell asleep.

That was 1435 my longest yet.

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