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The winter break started thankfully. Taehyung was waiting for this day ever since this whole semester started because wow,this past months have been a ride. He means that in a good way.

Just as Taehyung thought he could go to his home,lay down comfortably in his warm bed,have a good sleep or just watch some movie with something hot to eat with it in this cold weather,he realised he couldn't do that. It was all because of secret Santa,just like everyone,he has to buy the gift last minute now. They are meeting tomorrow for the gift opening and stuff,yet he still hasn't bought a gift. If it wasn't Jeongguk who he has to give a gift to,he wouldn't have worried this much.

He feels weird if he will go to the mall alone. Unfortunately, Jimin has a train today to home,he is going back to Busan for Christmas to spend it with his family,he didn't even came for secret Santa so Jimin can't come. He should call her other Bestfriend,Sooyoung, who has been too busy with her lover nowadays as they barely meet,she is with her 24/7.

He took his phone,unlocked it and called her. After some few rings,she finally picked it up.


"Hello,where are you right now?" Taehyung went straight to the point.

"I'm out,in a restaurant why?"

"Ah,with who?"

"Who do you think?" Sooyoung let out a chuckle,he knows she is smirking on the other line.

"Yeri? Oh my god wow" Taehyung's as surprised at how much time they both are spending with each-other nowadays.

"Yes,by the way I have to tell you something"


"She said yes, Kim Yerim is officially my girlfriend" Joy told Taehyung,happiness flooding in her voice. Taehyung gasped,fucking finally.

"Oh my god Sooyoung what the fuck? That's huge!! A win for lesbians bitch. Does Jimin know?" He questioned her,still couldn't believe it.

"Nope,I wasn't going to tell you too today. I was thinking of telling you tomorrow and Jimin probably later but I think I will call him once he reaches Busan. Anyway, why did you called me?" Sooyoung went back to the reason why Taehyung called her.

"Well I was thinking of going to the mall to buy a gift for love of my life,Jimin is going to Busan and I don't want to ruin your first date as a couple so I think I have go alone" Taehyung sighed. She could picture Taehyung pouting like a baby from the other side so she suggested something.

"Take Jeongguk with you?"

"Are you crazy? Why will I take him?" Taehyung scoffed at the ridiculous suggestion.

"He doesn't know you got him,does he?"

"No Ofcourse not"

"Then just take him. Ask for his opinion on the gift,you will get the perfect gift and more time to spend with him,a win for you on both sides. Fuck the surprise factor of the gift,let's look at where more profits are" What she said got points though. Taehyung decided to give her suggestion a chance.

"Fine I will text him,you go now have fun with your girlfriend. We need to meet her though"

"Ofcourse you will,I am going to meet Yeri friends soon too so I will make sure she meets you both losers too, by the way do you remember that pretty as fuck Senior,what was her name again....IRENE!" She exclaimed.

"How can I forget her? I even had a tiny little crush on her"

"Well,she is a lesbian. She is dating the dance major, Kang Seulgi. She is really pretty too,she is a pansexual. They are both Yeri's friend,can you believe I'm going to have dinner with the hottest girls in the campus?!?"

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