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"Well, this is fun," Charlie said sarcastically, crushed between Alec and Jace in the back of Simon's van

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"Well, this is fun," Charlie said sarcastically, crushed between Alec and Jace in the back of Simon's van. Alec smiled, looking down at her, but the smile quickly left his face when Jace noticed the reaction. Jace smirked knowingly at the couple before Simon announced they had arrived.

They all got out of the van together as Charlie stretched from being in an awkward position for so long. They all walked towards the entrance, bar Jace and Alec who was conversating beside the van.

"Well... I'm really freaked out." Simon blurted out to Clary and Charlie out of hearing distance of the other 3 shadowhunters.

"You get used to it Simon," Charlie told him as Clary added to the conversation.

"Did you know that I was a shadowhunter, Charlie?" Clary finally asked the question that Charlie was dreading.

"Yeah, I did.. but Clary, I promised your mum I wouldn't tell you until she was ready."

Before Clary could ask anything more, the two boys walked over to them, Jace taking Clary's hand, "Let's get this show on the road."

They continued on walking, Alec by Charlies's side, Izzy by Simon's side and Jace and Clary at the front.

"Ok, we're here," Jace said, dropping Clary's hand.

"It'll be ok." Simon comforted her as he put a hand on her shoulder and started to walk forward, being pushed back by Jace.

"If you enter, you'll die, no mundanes," Jace told him.

"I'm not sure that I trust you, because from the minute I entered the institute you had a vendetta against me," Simon replied back, Charlie knew it was obviously the jealousy of Jace and Clary's relationship that made him act like this, as from the moment Charlie arrived, she knew that Simon had a hugest crush on Clary, and it wasn't mutual.

"He's right, the rune energy is too strong for a mundane like you, but by all means, continue ahead," Alec confirmed, his hands gestured for him to continue walking. Charlie slapped on the back of the head, the second time today.

"Don't be mean to Simon just cause he's a mundane." She told him as he gave her an eye-roll, whilst rubbing the back of his head where she had slapped him. "And I'm definitely not going in there anyway. The brothers creep me out."

"Me too," Izzy piped in, "The sown mouths and eyes-"

"Izzy shut it." Jace told her, gesturing towards a scared-looking Clary.

"I'll stay with Charlotte Rose, Izzy and the mundane," Alec told him as he leaned against a tree.

"You know I have a name, It's Simon," Simon told him angrily, which Alec replied with a, you guessed it, an eye-roll!

"Come on Clary," Jace told her giving Alec a look before taking her hand and disappearing thought the dark entrance.

"So, Simon what do mundanes do?" Izzy asked as she walked over to him analysing him.

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