3|Warm Bucket of Piss

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You ever saw those commercials where people screw up the simplest of tasks in the most idiotic fashion ever? Yeah, that's what happened here.

I knew I shouldn't have agreed to meet Joe at the White House. It felt wrong when the words came out of my mouth, but my instincts weren't fast enough. It took some time for me to realise how terrible of a decision I had made.

Many things in my life would've been different if I had just said no to him.

I woke up on Boxing Day with my phone ringing violently in the background, adding to my already throbbing headache. Being a semi-alcoholic when you're almost thirty-one is not fun.

I had somehow managed to get myself to sleep in my bedroom, dressed in a fluffy robe. I don't even want to imagine the anguish I would've felt if I woke up draped in a skintight dress.

I allowed my phone to continue ringing as I made my way to my bathroom. The marble tiles felt cold underneath my bare feet, causing shivers to run down my spine.

Shrugging off the robe, I sank into the tub, trying to wash away the negativity from the previous day. I spent about an hour, laying in the water, regaining my energy as soft classical music played from the speakers.

I could feel the pounding in my head lessen as time went by, and I slowly relaxed into my usual posture. As beneficial as Advils were, I had sworn off of them years ago. Once you start taking them, there's no stopping you.

Slowly, I make my way out of the tub, goosebumps rising on my skin as I dress in another cotton robe. Those things are incredibly comfortable, okay?

Droplets of water trickled down my back as I freed my hair from the towel, occasionally running my fingers through the wet locks. I padded my way to the kitchen with my phone in hand. As I opened the fridge door, my stomach growled at the sight of food.

It made me realise that I hadn't eaten anything out of annoyance after returning from the party (except alcohol, of course). College flashbacks much? That's also a story for another time, I promise.

I made myself a plate of eggs and bacon and skidded towards the couch in the living room. It was time for some confrontations or not, it depends really.

I know I said I'm not going to be teaching you anything, but I believe it's a wise two-cent that will do everyone a bit good.

Trust and honesty are two qualities useless in the world of politics. You won't be getting anywhere by putting your trust in someone, and no honest and transparent person finds themselves at the top. They get crushed in a matter of seconds.

Never trust anyone in DC. Not even your own blood.

I had made the mistake of being partial to my father, but now that I've realised my blunder. It was time to strike back.

I check my phone, seeing that there were numerous texts from Violet, my closest confidant, Theodora and my father. His messages ranged from him being furious about my disappearance to him saying that he was coming over.

Rolling my eyes, I ignore his texts and call Violet. She answers almost immediately and starts rambling in a frantic tone. "Thank God you're alive! Where have you been?"

I chuckle slightly, munching on my meal. "Calm down, I just overslept a little."

Chewing down the eggs, I ask," Now, tell me what's going on in Cali."

She clears her throat, "Okay, so, you know how religious Arnold is, right? He released a statement saying that God didn't want him to be a politician anymore, and he will now be focusing his time on raising his family and whatever."

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