two. Away in a Manger // 1980

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Godric’s Hollow was silent, the streetlights illuminating the glittering snow that powdered the streets and homes lit up with assortments of colour that dangled like icicles from rooftops. Music came from the Church and carollers travelled home to home, bringing Christmas cheer on the eve of the celebration. He was not yet a year old, but even still, young Harry Potter was in the midst of a war, even if he did not know it. It had raged for the last ten years. Friends had been lost, and Lily and James feared that the war was only escalating. Just last month Dumbledore had informed them and the Longbottom’s of a prophecy to defeat Voldemort. No one, however, in the Order, knew of which Voldemort believed to be the Chosen One. And so, even with the tensions and fear raising, Lily and James Potter were determined to have a lovely Christmas.

Their house stood solemn on the street, yet the light that radiated from the window and the laughter that could be heard begged a different story. It was cozy, the fireplace glowing with warm embers and Harry asleep on Sirius’ chest, it seemed like there was no war occurring outside. Carols came from the radio that perched atop the mantel, beside pictures of baby Harry and James and Lily’s wedding day. James, his hair a mess, glasses perched on his nose, and a gleeful smile on his face, sun Lily around, dancing foolishly to the sound of the music. Remus howled with laughter.

The Potter’s had received many greeting cards from friends, most fearing not to leave their homes in worry of Death Eaters. Many had children, and opted instead to stay as safe as they could in their homes. ‘Wormy’, as Lily affectionately called Peter, could not attend this Christmas, having to do business with someone he didn’t disclose. It was well, though. Sirius and Remus were enough company for one Christmas, anyway.

Bathilda Bagshot had also been over earlier in the evening, doting on Harry and bringing over a plum pudding and tart. Lily had thanked her and asked her to stay for dinner and the remainder of the evening, but she had adamantly refused. A lovely lady, Lily was quite glad she was their neighbour- she could always count on her to watch Harry while James and her were at the Order meetings.

The song ended, and Lily fell onto the couch in a happy daze, James picking Harry up from Sirius. Sirius let out a chuckle. “He’s getting heavy, Prongs- pretty soon he’ll weigh as much as you!” The room erupted in laughter, and young Harry, so young, opened his eyes- his eyes, just like his mother’s- and let out a yawn.

“Look at our boy, Lils- only five months and can already hold his head up! I can see him being a great seeker already. Just like his daddy, isn’t that right, Harry?” James looked upon Harry fondly, stroking his small head. “I mean, what with that old toy broomstick I had, he’s already zooming already! I’m so proud of our little tyke already.”

It was a solemn moment shared between the five of them, until Sirius transformed into his signature dog form and James, with a hearty laugh, set Harry onto his back, Harry’s little arms reaching out to cling onto the black fur. Padfoot galloped around the room, to the beautiful laughter of Lily. James sat down beside her on the couch, his arms wrapping her in a tight embrace. The cat, Pebbles the Great (Lily’s choice of name), a tabby, leaped with the grace of a fat cat onto Lily’s lap, making  James question why he ever agreed to get a cat. Sirius morphed into his self again, catching Harry with the air of practice, Harry squealing with glee.

“Well, I think we ought to get the festivities going, don’t you? It’s Christmas after all!” Lily said, petting the year old cat. The Christmas tree stood gleaming beside the fireplace, the presents underneath waiting for tomorrow to come. “It wouldn’t hurt to open most of them tonight, would it, James? After all, good friends are what’s important, not a day.”

Remus jumped to his feet. “Brilliant idea, Reddy. I’ll bring them over. I say young Harry Potter here, though,” he said, bopping Harry on the nose, “gets to open his presents first.” He strolled over across the plush beige carpet, and bending on his knee, scooped out the presents from beneath the ornamented tree. “Here we are,” Remus said, shuffling the boxes and nearly dropping a few before Sirius casually leviosa’d it towards the coffee table, which he moved several magazines of Quidditch Weekly to make room for the presents. Remus finally found the several presents with fine handwriting on tiny tags that read Harry, and gave them to James.

“Thanks Moony. Now, which one does our little seeker- please, Lils, if he doesn’t become a seeker then my name isn’t James Potter- want to open first? This one? What a good choice, little man.” The box Harry had pointed his chubby little finger at was square, emerald green wrapping paper with the tag reading that it was from Sirius.

“Aha! See, I told you Harry had a preference for me. I guess I’m going to have to steal him from you two.” He beamed towards the couple.

“Of course, Sirius. But I’ll have you know I’m not afraid to defend our little darling! You won’t be taking him anywhere unless it’s over my dead body!” Lily teased, her red hair flying in front of her face. “But,” she said, smiling, “Let’s get Harry to open the present.”

With Lily’s careful, guiding, hands, the box was slowly undid, and Harry clapped, a large grin on his chubby face. Inside the box was a poster of the Wizard’s Alphabet (the latest edition, including the revised ‘A’- now ‘abracadabra’), and Lily beamed. James turned to Sirius, embracing him. “Thank you, Sirius! Not only will our boy be a great seeker- ow, Lily! I can’t help saying it if it’s true!- but he’ll be a great speller too. You’re truly a great friend.”

“Okay, okay, tone the love down,” Remus snorted. “We have the entire night, we better not be getting emotional after the first gift!”

Harry giggled, and Lily waved her wand, bringing his bottle over, to which Harry grabbed at eagerly. The next box was a bright yellow rectangle. Lily shook it to her ear. She couldn’t guess what Remus had bought, so she carefully unwrapped it, Harry still occupied with his bottle, carefully dozing off onto his mother. Inside were several pairs of clothing- a jumper, some socks, and, to which ames gleefully shouted, a Quidditch shirt. Underneath the clothing, there was also a photo album, the front having the moving picture that Lily always adored of her and James. “This is stunning, Remus. I can’t thank you enough for this! Harry will be able to see everything in this book. You are stunning, Moony.” Lily, with Harry in hand, stood up and hugged Remus, and then Sirius. “You guys are amazing. Thank you so much for being here with us even through the War. And here’s to many more!” She exclaimed, sitting down and raising her glass of eggnog, while the rest raised their glasses of Firewhiskey.

“To many more!” They shouted jubilantly, unaware of what was to come a year later.

 And so the evening went. Little Harry Potter slept, unaware of the happiness that enveloped the house in Godric’s Hollow in the midst of a most terrible battle. 

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