Charlemagane pt 1

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Charlemagane was a little girl that lived in a dark manor. She would go out into her garden and tend to her rose bushes. But one day whilst tending to her roses she was poked my one of their thorns. Charlemagane had never felt anything like this before. It stung a bit but it brought her immense pleasure.

Later that day, Charlemagane looked up what it meant to feel sexual pleasure from pain. She read "A person who enjoys, or takes pleasure, in feeling pain is a masochist." A masochist. It sounded like a medical condition, but she didn't think that it was that bad so she didn't seek help. Little did she know it would escalate to an unhealthy addiction.

Whenever she stubbed her toe or got a paper cut, Charlemagane would get extremely sexually aroused. One day she dropped a box on her foot and got a boner, because little does anyone know, she was born with a penis (EWWWWWWWW IM A LESBIAN jk i wish tho). When she relished she had gotten hard she said "Uh oh that make me pp hard," then she cut it off with a pair of squiggly design scissors.

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