Gushing Red

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It was one hell of a day at the Avengers tower. First you had to pry Barnes off of Wilson, then you had to kick Tony's ass for being an amateur dickwad and stealing all your combat suits. Then you had to break up a fight between Thor and Loki. And finally as you laid down to rest for at least an hour, someone comes banging on your door!

So yeah, it's been one HELL of a day so far.

"If you want to keep your fucking head on your shoulders I suggest you walk away now and spread the word!" You yelled.

You didn't even hear the door open, and yet you felt a dip on your mattress.

You open one eye, peering at the intruder.

"Ugh fuck off Loki!"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I said so!"

"Listen mortal, I know something's wrong. So tell me. Tell me what's wrong and I shall fix it." He said gently.

"Do you know how many fights I've had to break up today? I've been in one, myself as well."

"Are you sure that's all?"

"Yes, maybe.... I don't know! Jeez Loki..." you said becoming more unsure of how you felt.

"Are you sure it's not about a certain Red headed spy? Being on a mission for a week with no status update?" He asked all too knowingly.

"You know what? Get out! Get out of my room!"

"Are you being touchy because you know I'm right or is it because I'm right?" Loki said looking all too smug.

"Tch. Just get out..." you said trying to look as disinterested as possible.

You pushed him out the door and slammed it in his face. You could hear him snicker as he walked away.

You walked back to your bed and just collapsed on it.

"Damn it why is he always right..." you sigh running your fingers through your hair. "Where are you nat..."

an hour later and your asleep, two more hours pass and theres a commotion in the tower. 

"Mrs/Mr. (Y/n) A jet has just arrived and we believe it to be Miss Romanoff."

You shoot straight up from bed, and race out the door to the paddock.

"Natasha!" You see her injured clutching the side of her stomach, blood oozing from the wound.

She's leaning on clint for support, as he helps her inside.

Youi race to take over for clint.

"Natasha you idiot. why didnt you call for backup." You walk her inside, and see she's about to pass out.

"NO! Natasha! Hang on! Don't close your eyes yet!" At this point you pick her up and race to the medbay.

"BRUCE!" You yell as you enter.

"get her on the bed! NOW!" 

You do as directed and hold her hand.

The rest of the team come in behind you.

"I think it's best if only two others come in at a time. We dont need so many people around." 

"YOU HEARD THE MAN! GET OUT!" Stark tells everyone. 

Steve and I are the only ones left inside.

Bruce tells you both the state shes in. 

"I need you both to wait outside im afraid." He said sadly.

its been an hour and bruce is still doing surgery.

"come on natasha... Hang on..." You say on verge of tears.

"You know she's strong, (Y/n). She's one of the strongest out of all of us."

"I know but... what if she's... What if she doesnt make it?!" 

He puts his hand on your back and rubs it to comfort you.

"I never got to tell her..."

You look up to see bruce put two bullets into a container. Suddenly the heart moniter gets eratic. You hear it and break into the medbay.


She's convulsing. 


Suddenly she stops convulsing and the heart moniter steadies. 

"Do you think she heard me? Is that a possiblity Bruce?"

"Maybe?..." He stitches her up.

-5 hours later...-

You're by her bedside, and she gasps awake.

"Natasha!..." You stroke her cheek and hold back your tears.

"What- What are you crying for?" She chuckles

"You dummy..." you reach for the water cup you had ready for her. "Here I know your probably parched."

She takes it and gulps it down. You smile at her. Same old natasha.

"How are you feeling?" You ask her.

"I'm... I'm good. You?"

"So much better now that your awake."

"I had you worried huh?" she says with a smirk.

"Yeah. Yeah you did." You hold her hand for a second before getting up.

You decide you should distance yourself.

"I'm gonna go get steve and bucky, I'm sure they'd want to see you." Your about to reach for the door handle.

"You love me huh?"

You freeze. She DID hear you. You slowly turn around and face her.

"No... I don't love you."

Her smile turns into a frown.

"I'm IN LOVE with you." you walk back to her and hold her hand once more.

"Well surprise, surprise... I... I love you too, you idiot." She smirked. "I'm actually surprised it took you this long to say it, (Y/n)..."

"Well now that I have..." You inch your face closer to hers, and she does the same. 

Soon your lips meet hers, and your veins are on fire, your mind thinks of nothing but her. She tastes of strawberries and whiskey.

You both pull away and smirk.

"Who needs other visitors?"

"Yeah you're right. I think they can wait..." You smile and go back in for another kiss.

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