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Khun's POV
When I saw (y/n)'s recent text I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness. But also I sighed that she hasn't ate yet. I put my phone down getting up out of bed dressed in some plain dark grey joggers and shirt, I pulled over a hoodie and grabbed my car keys and phone.

"What even should I get her to eat?" I thought carefully before choosing the place

Carefully walking downstairs out the door and into my white BMW (Ik he's rich, it's Khun we're talking about) I started the car and headed towards the designated place I thought (y/n) might like I smiled again thinking of her

Going through the drive-thru the young girl gave me my food "I just wanted to let you know you're really c-cute" she blushed and smiled "Thank you now good night" I drove off to the only girl I wanted to see

I parked outside her house taking my phone out to text her

Pretty Boy
Do I come in?


Grabbing the bag of food out of the car I walked up to the door and knocked, After a few seconds I heard footsteps coming then opening the door was a tall male that kinda looked like (y/n) but with some other features especially the height difference...(y/n) was short....

"Who are you?" The (h/c) male asked looking at me with curiosity

"(Y/n)'s friend I came to bring her food since she was hungry" I said it politely as possible so I wouldn't be a bad impression at first "Khun Aguero Agnis, sorry I came so late"

"Just come in, her door is to the right upstairs and DONT try anything with her and I'm her older brother" (y/n)'s older brother warned Khun and opened the door for me letting me in

"Thank you and I won't" I thanked then walked upstairs I came to the door on the right and opened it to a little version of her older brother

"Uh hi?" The (h/c) little boy looked confused of who I am "Do you wanna play games with me?" He asked with a grin

"Hi...and no sorry maybe next time I'm looking for (y/n)" I rubbed my head with a bit of embarrassment

"Oh she's across me" he looked a bit sad that I didn't come to play games

I felt bad so I grabbed my order of fries and gave him it smiling "I'm sorry I can't play at the moment so here take my fries" after hearing a small thank you from him I quietly said "You'r welcome" the closed the door sighing "Finally to see (y/n)"

I walked to (y/n)'s room and opened it slightly to make sure after that little mistake, I saw
(y/n) laying on her bed watching an anime called Demon Slayer
A/N: here are some examples of how (y/n)'s room looks like or it could be your own imagination

I walked to (y/n)'s room and opened it slightly to make sure after that little mistake, I saw (y/n) laying on her bed watching an anime called Demon Slayer  A/N: here are some examples of how (y/n)'s room looks like or it could be your own imagina...

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"Hey (y/n)" I looked up at her holding the bag of food up smiling also admiring how cool her room looked

(Y/n)'s POV

I heard Khun's soothing voice also the smell of food, I jumped up out of bed and into Khun's arms

"You got me Chick Fil A?!" I exclaimed stepping back looking at the bag in his hands "How'd you know it's my favorite?" I asked while taking the bag from his hands then sitting down on my bed continuing to watch Demon Slayer

"Well...lucky guess?" Khun stood awkwardly placing a hand on his head

I looked at him confused patting the spot next to me giving him permission to sit on the bed. He walked over and sat on the bed getting his food from the bag

~Small Time Skip~

After eating their food (y/n) dusted off her bed for any crumbs first then laying down yawning Khun noticing he spoke up

"Are you tired? It is late I should leave you to rest" he started to get up but the (h/c) girl grabbed his hand "You can stay here if you like" she replied as Khun sat back on the bed allowing (y/n) to place her head on his chest as she dozed off into slumber

The blue haired boy smiled watching her sleep, caressing her face to get her (h/c) locks out of her face he began to doze off as well wrapping his arm around her small frame...he was forever going to treasure this moment

~Another Time Skip~

Khun opened his eyes to see (y/n) still peacefully sleeping he grabbed his phone looking at the time as it read 5:05 AM "Did I really fall asleep with her?" He felt his cheeks flush "I need to go home" sighing he slowly got up making sure he didn't wake (y/n) up. After gathering his belongings he kissed (y/n)'s forehead "Sleep well princess" he walked out being the happiest person at the very moment

A/n: this was a longer chapter and I'm sorry it isn't that good I'm not that good at writing scenes but comment if I should make it a Khun x reader or another character you guys might want! Another suggestion is Bam x reader x Khun :) comment any suggestions I will gladly take into consideration
This is 918 words long!6

One-Shots❤︎ (Tower of God x Reader)𓆉 Where stories live. Discover now