How Bobby found out

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Dennis' p.o.v

i have a confession to make. I like my best friend...well he used to be my best friend until he found out I was gay now he just bullies me about it. His names Bobby. Bobby Beale and this is how he found out i was gay.

* A few months ago*

I had just gotten to school and was looking for Bobby but I couldn't find him so I went inside the school and went to the toilet quickly. I then headed to my form room where I find Bobby sat in the seat next to where I sit. I walked and sat down in my seat. I turned to him and started to talk to him. ''Hey, how are you'' ''im good cant wait to get out this hell hole though'' after he said that we had to leave to go to the first lesson. I had maths with Bobby. we sat next to each other. It was like that till break time. We walked to the hall and got food and then waited for the bell to go. when the bell went we walked to next lesson it was the same as the last. We where in English we had it before lunch and I decided that I was going to tell Bobby at lunch. I lent over to him and said '' I need to speak to you privately at lunch. Is that ok with you?'' ''Yeah, Dennis that's fine'' ''ok thanks''.After that, we got let out for lunch so I pulled Bobby by to a corner of the hall and that's when I told him the thing I had been wanting to tell him since I met him ''I wanted to talk to you privately as I don't want anyone else to know and I know as your my best friend I know you won't tell anyone.'' ''Hey its ok you can tell me I wont tell anyone I promise'' '''' he looks at me with discust and that was when I knew he wouldn't want to be my friend anymore''.

*After the flashback*

Thats the way he found out and now he isn't my friend anymore he's now a popular person while I'm alone.None out of my family know about me being bullied not even Ben or Phil.I want to tell someone but Bobby said he would tell everyone about me being gay and I don't want that to happen.

A/N Im going to try and update this whenever I can and if you guys want a specific chapter just let me know and ill try and work something out.

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