The boat crash

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Bobby's p.o.v

Todays the boat party. I get up and get dressed as quick as I could and then message Dennis

Me: Are you coming to the boat party tonight baby x

Denny❤: yeah I am baby x

Me: ok ill meet you on the boat.I love you x

Denny❤️:ok. I love you too x

*before the crash*

where all on the boat.I look around for Dennis. I saw him sat with Sharon and Phil.I go over and put my hands over his eyes. ''guess who'' ''Ben?'' '''no me silly'' i give him a kiss and then sit down and I see my dad walking over he hasn't spoken to me since I came out.He comes over and looks at Dennis and says '' can I speak to you'' Dennis nods and stands up.while their gone I speak to Sharon and Phil.

Ian's p.o.v

Ive never liked Dennis not since what he done to Bobby when they where little and now he's made him gay and their in a relationship I just don't like it.I asked to speak to him.We walk to the bottom deck and down a corador and I shove him into a room and lock it.After I make sure its locked I walk to the captain of the boat and punched him in the face and then i went to the wheel and made it crash and the whole boat shook and I went flying into the Thames.

Dennis' p.o.v

Bobby just came and sat by us then I could see Ian out the corner of my eye walking over to us and he asked to talk to me and we went down to the lower deck even though I know I shouldn't of followed him I still did and I shouldn't of because he threw me into a room and locked me in there and I banged on the door asking him to let me out ''im not going to let you out Dennis ive never liked you because of what you said to Bobby when you where little and now youve made him gayand hes in a relationship with you and its just disgusting'' and then after he left the boat shook and I went flying and began to get dizzy.

Bobby's p.o.v

After a while of speaking to Sharon and Phil I wondered where my dad and Dennis were but then suddenly the boat shook like we had crashed in to something and we went flying.After a few moments a paramedic come on to the boat to help ''we need you to get in to groups as where taking you off on boats as the boat is starting to sink slowly but shereley and we need to get you off quick'' then I remembered Dennis and went running down to the bottom deck and heard him shouting ''help!help! Ian put me in here!'' ''baby its me Bobby ok I need you to stand back ok'' I then click the door down and grab him and run as quick as I can I run up the stairs and quickly get on to a boat with Phil and Sharon. ''you ok baby'' he looks at me nodding his head and I wrap him in a hug.''what happened in there? why did he lock you in a room?'' ''he said im not going to let you out Dennis ive never liked you because of what you said to Bobby when you where little and now youve made him gayand hes in a relationship with you and its just disgusting. I just look at him and nod now where the hell is my dad.

*after they all get back to shore*

we went to go home but then a paramedic shouted out ''theres another body'' and we all looked down and there he was my dad.

A/N thanks for reading there's not going to be a funeral as everyone hated Ian and they all found out what he done to Dennis.The next chapter might be a little steamy.AmeleaMason it's kinda what your thinking but there not going the full way just yet.

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