Chapter 13👑

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I stood there looking at cheeks had a slight blush and my body had become a bit heated. Just thinking of him made me like this.

I had to stop this. I almost died because of him.

"But you didn't die,because of him."  The little voice inside my head was completely betraying me.

I turned off my music and decided that maybe a run would do me some justice. I found some good workout clothes,slide on my running shoes and made sure to grab my AirPods; lord knows my workout means nothing without music and headed out my room to find dum dum. I walked down the hallway to his room knocking on the door. I waited a few seconds before I heard him shuffling towards the door.

The door opened and our eyes meet. He looked surprised to see me.

I mean this is very unexpected.

"La Loba?...umm yes what do you need?". He looked me up and down as he asked the question.

"Are you going somewhere?".

"That's what I came to say. I'm going for a run. I need to clear my mind, and I swear I won't run away or whatever." I rolled my eyes then looked him directly in the eyes. "I'd never leave Mr.jinkers with you."

He laughed a bit. I was dead serious though.

"I have my own private property and I have my own track out in the back and also there's a gym downstairs." I looked at him wide eyed. "By the pool."

"This man is beyond rich!".

"You can use them as much as you like while your here". He gave me a small smile. "Give me a minute I'll get on some clothes and we can go together....if that's ok?". I mean it was his gym and shit why does what I say matter. I really didn't want him to come but I didn't want to be rude.

While shrugging my shoulders I responded "Yeah.Sure,whatever". 

With the green light given he dashed away from the door and popped back up in about 5 minutes in some black basketball shorts,black tank top,and some type of workout sneakers.

"He must really like black".

He looked like he was ready to kick some ass but I wasn't gonna tell him that.

"Follow me". He shut his door and began walking towards the stairs. We didn't talk at all. He lead and I just quietly followed behind. I looked at his back every once in awhile and noticed how his shoulders were wide and broad...and strong.I could also see little pieces of what seemed to be a tattoo on his back but I couldn't make it out while he was walking. I would love to trace his tattoos with my finger tips.....I shook my head making the lustful thoughts leave at once.

For christ sake I don't even know this man...just his name and that he's very dangerous, and from the stories I've been told he's a ladies man. So chill out girl. You know that ain't your type.

After what felt like forever of walking we finally game to a glass room. Like no literally he had a room but all the walls were windows and you could look out and see over the pool. When he said he had his own gym he literally meant he had his own gym. He had every tool and piece of equipment that you would find in the gym.

No wonder he was such in shape I bet he doesn't miss a damn day.

"Well I'm gonna go do my thing and you can do yours". With that I trotted off toward the weight bench. I wanted to work on my legs today so I guess a couple weighted squats and then gonna kill myself on the treadmill. I put my AirPods and got it cracking.

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