Chapter One

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Yoongi walked into the school ground, not looking at anyone. He already knew that everyone was staring at him with disgust. It has been like that for years. All because he's a mute. He's been a mute for majority of his life. He wasn't deaf and he did have vocal chords. He just didn't want to talk. When he was younger, if he tried to talk, he would be cut off by people and he would be judged for what he had said. So, he he gave up on talking all together. No one has heard him speak in years. Teachers have tried to get him to speak but nothing had worked. Students would try to get him to talk, but because of the cold and intimidating personality he has built over the years, no one dares to go near him. Yoongi liked that no one goes near him. Students stepped away as Yoongi walked to homeroom. He didn't care if students walked away from him. He was used to it by now. He walked to his homeroom, walking straight into the room as the door was wide open. He sat at the very back, in the left corner of the last row of desks. He got his sketch book out of his bag along with his pencil case. He got his earbuds out of the pocket of his jeans, plugged it into his phone and put his music on shuffle. He put his phone into his pocket and began to draw, rarely looking up. Homeroom doesn't start for another twenty minutes, so he doesn't have to worry about other people walking in.

He moved the pencil smoothly across the page. Yoongi always loved drawing. It was his favourite hobby since it didn't involve talking and it was something that it took his mind off everyone else in the school. He just kept moving the pencil across the page, occasionally using his eraser when he made a mistake until the teacher tapped him on the shoulder. He looked over at the teacher, who motioned to take his earbuds out. He paused the song that he was currently listening to, put his earbuds away along with his sketchbook and his pencil case. He slumped in his chair as he watched everyone around him talk to one another. Their voices were drilling into his head as homeroom went on. Homeroom seemed to go on forever. At least that's what it felt like to Yoongi. It only felt that way until the bell rang, indicating that it was time for the next class. Yoongi picked up his bag, letting it hang over his shoulder as he walked to his class, which was history. His history class was upstairs. He walked up the flight of stairs and took a left, his class being at the end of the hallway. Students that were also in his class were already walking into the classroom. He sped walked so he could get into the classroom on time. He walked over to his desk at the back of the classroom and in the very right corner, but stopping in his tracks. The desk that was next to him that was normally empty was no longer empty. There was a student sitting in the normally empty desk. Great, someone else I got to avoid, he thought as he went over to his desk and sat down, not looking at the student sitting next to him. Since the teacher wasn't in class yet, he just stared at his desk, placing his hands flatly on his desk.

"Hey, I'm Jimin," the kid that was sitting next to him said, semi-bowing and held out his hand, "What's your name?" Yoongi looked over at the boy's hand, feeling a little weird about someone actually talking to him. He looked up to look at the boy properly, giving him eye contact. He looked like he was two years younger than Yoongi and he was completely facing him. He had a small smile on his face. He looked a little cheerful for school. But, Yoongi knew this boy as he has seen him around the school a few times before.

"Why are you bothering to talk to him, Jimin?" the kid in front of him, Hoseok, asked, "You know he doesn't speak. He's a mute. He won't reply to anyone." Hoseok looked over at Yoongi. Yoongi began to breathe heavily at Hoseok's words and his hands had turned to fists. He leaned forward with his eyebrows going inwards, making himself look more intimidating. Hoseok immediately looked back to the front of the classroom, feeling intimidated by Yoongi. Yoongi undid his fists and went back to staring at his desk, completely ignoring Jimin. Their teacher, Mrs Cohen, came in. Jimin turned to face the front, not wanting to get in trouble for talking in class. Yoongi looked up from his desk when Mrs Cohen walked in, even though he didn't want to pay attention to the class. He only paid attention to the class because he would get into trouble if he didn't pay attention. There wasn't anything happening in the class. They were just learning about the world wars, even though there wasn't much point to learning it because they had learned it the year before. He didn't like history class because of this reason. He only put up with it because he couldn't get out of the class, even if he tried to get out of it. Mrs Cohen had written somethings on the whiteboard before giving out a worksheet for the students to complete. Every student got a worksheet and Mrs Cohen went to her desk to do the role. She called out the students names, receiving a 'here' when hearing their name. The only time she didn't expect a student to receive a 'here' from was Yoongi.

"Min Yoongi?" Mrs Cohen called out, looking up. Yoongi put up his hand, indicating that he was in class. He put his hand down when the teacher called out the next name. He got his pencil case out of his bag, placing it on his desk and got a pencil out of it. He wrote his name on the worksheet and he read through the worksheet that he was just given. There was two pages that involved reading and the third page had questions to answer. Yoongi began to read from the first page, even though he kept looking up from the page because everyone around him were talking to each other. He couldn't really focus on reading with people talking. Besides him, Jimin was the only other one that wasn't talking. He was somehow reading the worksheet. How was he reading with the amount of noise in the classroom?

"Class, please quieten it down and do your work," Mrs Cohen said. Students did quieten it down, but only by a bit. It was quiet enough for Yoongi to focus on reading the worksheet. It was quite boring to read. He was only reading it because he had to read it for class. He took a quick look over at Jimin, who had started answering the questions. How was he answering the questions already? No one reads that fast to answer questions after just getting the worksheet a few minutes ago and with the noise around them. Yoongi looked back at his worksheet and attempted to read through it again, despite not wanting to read it in the first place. Since he didn't want to properly read it, he skimmed through it. He remembered some of the key words from it and went to the next page, picking up his pencil to answer the questions. The things he remembered from skimming through the text helped him with four of the questions. There were twenty questions to be answered. Yoongi looked back through the first two pages to see if he could find the answers within the text.

"Do you have the answer for question six?" Jimin asked. Yoongi just ignored the question. He didn't want to speak to him. Instead, he just looked at the worksheet.

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