Chapter Three

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Yoongi immediately closed his computer when hearing the bell that indicated that it was time for recess, which he was happy about. He saved his work before closing his computer, closed his computer, put it in his bag and immediately got up from his seat, walking out of the classroom with every other student in his class. He began to walk to his usual spot, not looking at anyone as he already knew where everyone sat and he didn't want to make any sort of contact. So, he looked at the ground as he walked to his usual spot behind the library. Barely anyone goes behind the library, so he liked the peace and quiet that you couldn't get anywhere else in the school unless there was a test or exam going on in a classroom.

Yoongi sat down, his back against the wall and his bag in front of him. He got his lunch box out of bag and began eating the snacks that he packed this morning, making sure to leave the sandwich for lunch. The peace and quiet caused a smile on the mute's face, enjoying it and taking advantage of it.

"Hey, Yoongi," he heard someone say, causing him to look over at the voice, seeing the voice belonged to Jimin, "Why are you sitting by yourself?" The younger boy sat down next to the mute. Why is this kid sitting next to me? Yoongi thought, as he rolled his eyes, Why won't he leave me alone? He certainly enjoyed the peace and quiet while it lasted. Can't he just go away and leave me in peace? he thought, He has friends, I know he does. Why is he sitting next to me out of all people? Yoongi went back eating the snacks in his lunch box, not paying any mind to Jimin. If I just ignore him, he'll get bored and he'll go away, he thought.

"So, Yoongi," Jimin said, "I have one question for you. Why don't you talk to anyone or speak in general? Did something happen to make you stop speaking?" The mute didn't answer and instead, he looked at the rubric for the English presentation, skimming it. Jimin raised an eyebrow, confused why the mute was ignoring him and wasn't answering his questions.

"Why are you ignoring my questions?" he asked. Yoongi's breathing was becoming heavy, clearly annoyed by the questions that were being asked. He put his copy of the rubric back into his bag along with his lunch box and hung his bag over his shoulder as he began to walk to a different area. Jimin watched as Yoongi walked away, a little sad that the mute walked away instead of just telling him to go away. Did the mute hate people, an antisocial pessimist? Jimin was determined to figure out the mysterious mute.

Yoongi ended up moving to a spot near the science class. It wasn't quiet like the back of the library but at least he was alone. He got his lunch box out of his bag once again and continued the snack that he was eating before Jimin came along. He didn't like sitting near the science block, mainly of the noise that came with it. But, he didn't want to be next to Jimin so he had to move. All he wanted to be is alone and that's why the back of the library was his favourite spot for recess and lunch. He ate the snack until it was gone, putting his rubbish in the bin. He put his lunch box back in his bag as he began to walk to his next class, which was home economics. There were a few students that were lined up at the classroom. He joined the line of students, which weren't that many yet.

Yoongi knew that there were more students, it's just that the other students hadn't arrived yet. He hoped that Jimin wasn't in his class because he couldn't stand him anymore. He had enough of the younger boy's attempt of trying to socialize with him, especially since that the boy knew that Yoongi was a mute. More students started to arrive to the classroom and lining up with the rest of the class. Yoongi was relieved that Jimin wasn't among them. His hope was becoming high, liking the chances of Jimin not being in his class. His hopes came true when it was time for class and he had not seen Jimin in front nor behind him in the line. The whole class walked into the classroom, going to their stations.

At each station, there were two stations at either side and much to Yoongi's dismay, he was forced to share a station. Even though he was a mute, this was the one class where he was forced to interact with students. But, he still didn't talk, instead he used gestures as minimal as possible though. He had to share a station with a kid named Hoseok, a kid who was semi-popular. Hoseok wasn't fully popular but he had enough friends to be popular at the same time.

"Everyone, please come into the middle," the teacher, Mrs Winters, said, "We're not going to be cooking today. We're going to be learning about allergies and intolerance to certain foods." Everyone in the class walked to the middle of the classroom, leaning against the steel bench that was placed in the middle with chairs around it. Yoongi sat at the very end of the table, since he was already close to the end of the table anyway. He faced Mrs Winters, who was passing out booklets to every student. He got his pencil case out of his bag, got a pencil and wrote his name in the top right corner of the front page of the booklet once he got it. He briefly looked inside, not going to far ahead.

"You will have some time to start today," she said, "But, after today's lesson, you'll have to do it in your own time." She then began to explain the different kinds of allergies, explaining the signs of a reaction of each allergy and the signs of intolerance to certain food group such as dairy. She explained it until she told the class to start the booklet, going to her desk afterwards. Yoongi looked at the first two pages of the booklet, which was filled with pretty much filled with what Mrs Winters had just told them. The type of allergy and the signs of the reactions. The only thing that was added to it was the signs of a particular severity of a reaction, such as mild or severe. He read over it before going onto the questions that were on the page after. He used the same pencil that he used to write his name and began answering the questions, occasionally going back to the front two pages to find the answer for a particular question. A lot of the students were talking to each other, not doing the work that had been set.

At least Jimin isn't in this class, Yoongi thought, No more lame attempts on trying to get me to talk. He looked around the classroom, seeing that people were still talking instead of doing the school work that was set. For Yoongi, this was a perk of being mute. He could do his work without having to talk and he never got in trouble because of being a mute. He silently sighed. The only things that he hates about being a mute is that he doesn't have friends because of no communication and he knows that people are secretly judging him. That was the reason why he created a cold and intimidating personality, so that he could have some security for himself. Having a cold and intimidating personality made himself feel better about being a mute for so many years of his life.

Yoongi placed the temple of his head on his hand, getting sick of doing the work. It was boring. He was only doing it because one, he didn't want to get into trouble and two, it was good to know about different allergies and certain intolerance to foods. Mrs Winters occasionally walked around the classroom, looking over the shoulders of the students to make sure that they were doing work. Yoongi couldn't wait for the school day to be over.

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