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((5th of Morning Star, 4E 203))

I carefully edged down the walkway of the Dwemer ruin, taking deep breaths the entire way. We'd taken another look at Mercer's plans and learned that the Eyes were in Irkngthand, which had instantly set me on edge. Just from the name, I knew what it was. Unfortunately for everyone involved, I despised Dwarven ruins with my entire being. The conversation between our little trio flashed through my mind as I climbed over a hunk of bronze metal.

"Irkngthand?" I said dully, staring at the plans. Brynjolf and Karliah didn't seem bothered, but my off tone must have caught their attention.

"Is something wrong, lass?" Brynjolf queried, nudging me slightly. 

I decided to lie and put on a show. "No, it's alright. Nothing." Karliah leaned on her right side.

"Are you sure?" Her question gave me pause, almost wanting to tell them. But if anyone knew... 

"Positive!" I croaked enthusiastically-- though perhaps too enthusiastically.

"You can't lie to a liar, lass." I gave him a reproachful look and shoved him away. "We're not going anywhere until you tell us what's going on."

"Can't I keep some things to myself?" I complained with a pout. They might not have been able to see my face, but it was clear they knew what I was feeling. Their insistent stares made me sigh in annoyance. "Fine, fine!" I threw my hands up into the air, exasperated. "I hate Dwarven ruins!"

"What makes you think it's a Dwarven ruin?" Brynjolf asked dumbly, and I had to fight the urge to smack him upside the head.

"The name, you moron." 

"Well, what's so wrong about it?" Karliah ventured cautiously. 

"There is no way in Oblivion that I am going into a Falmer-infested ruin with metal spiders that jump out at you every second," I objected, not quite answering her question.

"Lass, it's the only way we can catch Mercer," Brynjolf explained, pushing his cape back from his feet.

"We could wait at Bronze Water Cove," I suggested, pointing at a little symbol to the upper right of the Dwarven ruin. "From the map here, it's likely that Irkngthand leads into it."

"And if he goes back the way he came? There's no way he could get through, nor is there any definite proof that Irkngthand does indeed go through," Karliah reasoned. I buried my face in my hands, not wanting to traverse the ruins.

"You're squeamish for the Dragonborn." The Nord man's comment set me on edge, and I put as much hostility into my scowl as possible.

"Shut up, Brynjolf." He turned around to face Karliah and whispered something I couldn't quite catch. "What was that?" I snapped, stepping closer.

He shrugged. "Nothing."

"You're a goddamn liar, Brynjolf. Just tell me what the hell is going on."

His stance showed obvious discomfort, and I wondered why. "Lass, you've gone through hundreds of ruins, I'm sure. Why is this one so difficult?"

"Because it's Dwarven!" I hissed, shuddering involuntarily.

"It's the only way we can finish off Mercer." Karliah spoke quietly, knitting her fingers together anxiously. Absently, I remembered that the cruel Breton had murdered Gallus. Her desire to destroy his killer was strong, as was mine. That son of a bitch had tried to kill me.

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