Love Flutters

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"Wait!!" Enzo was standing behind me, as he grabbed my arm I snapped a bit of wood and shoved it into his stomach.
"I don't wanna be your little girlfriend, I'm not that girl. You should just ask Caroline." He let go of my arm and I went to my apartment.

I noticed my door was off the hinges and I said,"great I need a new door now!!" Stefan and Cara appeared from behind a wall. "Why are you still here? Shouldn't you be Klaus' little slave by now?"Cara folded her arms and Stefan looked at her with a 'are you crazy?!?! She will kill you!!' look.
"I'm not his slave and this is where I live." I folded my arms and walked over to my bourbon collection.
I said while pouring bourbon out, "shouldn't you go back to your girlfriend, Casey and nice picture in a Peter Pan costume." I laughed and walked away.

The next day I went to see Casey and I saw something unimaginable!!!! Casey and Stefan kissing!!! They are cute but I have gone off couples..........The 'Damon' problem.
"Hey Alex can I talk to you?" Ric was standing behind me.
"Sure." I replied and smiled. We went into Ric's history classroom.
"You have been looking..........upset." He looked concerned.
"Why would I be upset? Being friends with Casey, she is the most happy out of my friends." I popped a bubble with the chewing gum I had in my mouth.
"Your friends have been concerned."
"They shouldn't be!!!!" I stood up and walked out and noticed Stefan was listening. Always butting in!!
As I walked out Enzo was waiting for me.
"Having a hard day? Or a hard lifetime? I have an idea." He walked over to me and tapped my shoulder.
"What is your plan?"
"Just go out with me for a week and then make your choice."
"Suits me." He kissed me on the cheek and then shouted,"you don't have to hide Casey." Casey ran to Stefan and I went to the grill.

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