-author's note- (feel free to skip)

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Quarantine hit me like a fucking bus. I've got writer's block and artist's block. Not to mention there are still five weeks left.

I'm currently watching a walkthrough of Danganronpa V3. Of course, I'm only on chapter 3, but I don't really care.

It's been about a month since I started working on this and I'm only halfway through writing the third chapter.

Please be patient with me. The length between upload times will be long. Once every 2-3 weeks or longer. I'm not going through the easiest time right now. Plus I can only write this at night so my parents don't catch me.

I'd really appreciate it if you don't spoil anything in the comments for me. So any of the blackeneds, victims, or the mastermind from chapter 3-6.

I probably shouldn't upload this yet, but I feel bad about not uploading anything for a month now, so here.

Also, I've never written a Danganronpa fanfic before, so this is new.

The only thing I'm really worried about if my friends read this.

Kaylee, Natalie, please don't laugh at me. This is my work.

Anyway here's some lists of what's hidden within here (sorta spoilers? Skip if you want to.)

NSFW scenes that are shown (as in, you get to read them.):

- 6 hetero sex scenes
- 8 lesbian sex scenes
- 1 gay sex scene
- 1 threesome of 3 girls
- 1 threesome of 1 girl and 2 guys
- 1 use of bondage (we all know who did that)
- 1 use of toys
- 1 sort of non-consensual sex scene dealing with the reader (kinda. it's not that bad. still partially forced)
- 1 use of aphrodisiacs (not sure if that's bad, just wanted to say it)
- Miu. Just Miu in general.

NSFW scenes that are implied (as in, they are talked about but you don't get to read them):

- 10 hetero sex scenes
- 8 gay sex scenes
- 1 threesome of 1 girl and 2 guys
- 1 use of bondage (again, we all know who)
- 2 non-consensual sex scenes dealing with other characters (but it's not that bad nor important to the plotline.)
- One of the character's backstory's includes them being raped. It's talked about quite a bit and can't be skipped.

ALSO, if anyone wants to make any tiktoks or anything like that making fun of this story, I completely allow/encourage that. Just tell me so I can watch them and join you in teasing myself.

Filthy Cum Dumpster (DRV3 X fem!Reader) (MAJOR NSFW WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now