🍼Trust (sequel to Secrets) - Woosansang (Ateez)

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After a good half hour of being quiet Yeosang finally woke up again, this time obviously in little space as his yawn sounds more childish this time and his "good morning" was slurred. "Morning baby~" Wooyoung greated softly. "Have you slept well?" The little nodded his head. San stroked the hair of him making him smile brightly. "Mownin'!" He said. "Good morning baby. Wanna eat something?" "Yesh yesh!! Wanna eat nuggies!" He cheered making his two caregivers smile. "Then let's get this kitty his nuggets, shouldn't we?"

Yeosang clapped his hands excited and tried to go in the kitchen. Keyword tried. San laughed lightly and picked the little up to carry him into the kitchen, followed by Wooyoung. The youngest of them started to make some nuggest - of course in funny shapes - while San tried to keep Yeosang entertained. It worked surpringsingly good regrding to it was Sans first time to deal with littles. Yeosang was always very shy but it seems like he was even more shy now that the others dealt with his little self for the first time.

When Wooyoung had the nuggets finished he gave it to Yeosang on a plate. He noticed it was a bad decision when the little started to take the nuggets in his fists and throw it around the room after he took a bite. Wooyoung sighed and took the nearly empty plate away while San took the other nuggets back on the plate. "Only bad boys are throwing food Sangie." He tried to explain to the little. "And you're not a bad boy, aren't you?" Yeosang shook his had. "Sangie good boy!" he exclaimed happily. "Then you can't throw food around." attempted Wooyoung to explain. "'m sowwy." Yeosang mumbled. San embraced him into a hug. "It's okay little one, but if you do it again there will be a punishment." Yeosang nodded, happy that he won't get a punishment for now. After this discussion Wooyoung started to handfed the nuggets to the excited boy. It went pretty well and no food was thrown anymore.

After Yeosangs meal the couple thought it was a good idea to let Yeosang sleep a bit more since they noticed how worn out the smaller seemed. Snuggled up between the two he loved said boy laid on the bed trying to sleep. He shut his eyes squeezed and tried his hardest to sleep but it wouldn't work. "Should Sannie and Youngie tell Sangie a story?" Wooyoung asked in a soothing voice making Yeosang nod.

"Once upon a time there was a prince. The prince was supposed to marry the beautiful princess of another kingdom. Everyone would be happy with her, she was kind, caring and smart. But the prince didn't want to marry her so he decided to go and ask a very nice witch what to do. It wasn't an evil witch Sangie, it was a very gentle witch who used her magic only for good things. Anyways, the prince decided to go and ask the witch what was wrong with him because he didn't want to marry the princess. He laid his eyes on a pretty farm boy who lived in the village. So he decided to try to meet him but that wasn't easy. He wasn't allowed to go there because his father much rather wanted him to study and behave as a prince should. But the prince refused and went to the village on night when everyone else was asleep. He tried his hardest to find the pretty boy but he couldn't. He tried it again in the next night and the night after the next night, even the night after this night. Later he thought if the boy maybe was asleep? So he decided to talk to the girl he was supposed to marry and she didn't want him either! She wanted to marry her maid. She was just as gay as the prince." This made Yeosang giggle so he interrupted the fairy tale. San petted Wooyoungs head proudly that he made a gay fairy tale. "Back into the story. The prince was very happy that the princess didn't want him either so they won't have any bad blood. Instead they decided to team up and find pretty farm boy. They convinced the king that they should go on a date together and as soon as they got the permission they went into the village. They didn't have to search long, pretty farm boy was found pretty quickly. The princess decided to leave the two boys alone and finally the prince fund courage to talk to pretty farm boy. But who thought that pretty farm boy already had a relationship! The prince was heartbroken. Together the prince and the princess head home. A few days later the prince went into the village again, this time he was alone. He saw pretty farm boy and his boyfriend kiss. But for some reasons he wasn't jealous, he enjoyed the view of the two. He wanted to be part of what the two had. He wanted to be the boyfriend of both of them. He smiled when pretty farm boys boyfriend looked up after the kiss and locked eyes with him."

A small snore informed the boys that Yeosang fell asleep. San pulled Wooyoung into a quick kiss "You did so well Youngie. By any chance... am I the prince?" Wooyoung blushed but nodded. "I remember when you told me you had a crush on me but I already was in a relationship with Sangie. That didn't make you stop though. And I couldn't be more happy about this my prince." "I'm happy as well. Remember our first date as three?" Wooyoung nodded. "How could I ever forget it? You spilled ice cream all over Sangie!" San pouted. "That wasn't what I wanted you to remember." "It isn't the only thing. I remember how you asked Yeosang for permission to hit on the both of us because you knew how much he hates socializing." San nodded his head. "I'm glad he let me. You two are my world." "Alright, now it's getting cheesy sanshine." San laughed quietly. "Yes, maybe. But you love it." Wooyoung nodded and looked down at Yeosang. "I'm glad he trusted us enough to tell us though. He is so precious I want to protect him no matter what." San didn't say anything but Wooyoung knew that he agreed. They looked at the sleeping boy with loving and caring eyes and shared some sweet kisses and cheesy phrases until Yeosang woke up.

"Morning baby." Wooyoung exclaimed happily. The oldest yawned and replied with a "Morning."
"How've you slept?" "Pretty good." Sand and Wooyoung looked at each other confused. "Are you okay kitten?" San asked concerned. Yeosang nodded "Just a bit tired and embarrassed." The last word was more a yawn than speaking and quite hard to understand but his two lovers understood him. "There's no need to be embarrassed we love every side of you Sangie. Big and little. "Wooyoung stated making Yeosang smile happily and shutting his eyes again. "Oh and... I loved your fairy tale Youngie"

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