6 | School

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I woke up when it was already 7:30. Didn't Elijah tell me that we have to leave for school at 8:00?

Ugh! Now I just had half an hour left.

Just when I decided I'll sleep for five more minutes, there was a knock on the door.

"Are you ready Lila?"

"Um. . .I just woke up."

"What? You just have half and hour left. Hurry up and get ready. Can't be late on the very first day."

"Can't I just take a day off? Its the first day of the session, I don't think anyone would mind."

"But I think Victor would definitely mind."

Ugh! Fuck him.

After getting ready when I went down, the twins were already sitting there having breakfast along with Damien and Elijah.

When I saw Xavier, I mentally smiled. Thankfully I was not the only one who had a bad sleep and a terrible time waking up.

He looked worse than me lmao.

After breakfast, we left for school. While Xavier and Xander were going together, Elijah was dropping me off for today.

The bustle at the school could be heard from the nearby street already.
But as the twins' car pulled out in the parking behind ours, all the chatter died down.

Oh so were planning on putting in a grand entrance?


Xavier and Xander were the first ones to come out of their car followed by Elijah and lastly me. As soon as we got out, the whispering started. It was pretty loud but not clear enough for me to make out what they were saying.

I followed Elijah to the principal's office while the twins went off to see their friends.

While passing the corridor, I didn't fail to notice the stares I was getting from all the students.

The principal was a middle aged man who smiled when he saw me but when his eyes landed on Elijah, his face morphed into a slight shocked and scared expression.

Elijah introduced me to the principal. He gave me my schedule.

When we were about to leave, I heard the principal talk to Elijah.

"I hope she's not like her brothers."

I couldn't help but smirk at his statement. Oh just wait and watch old man.

After exiting the office, I stole a look of my schedule. History, Maths, Chemistry.

Ugh! I'm damned.

I didn't even have the courage to look at the other subjects.

Elijah dropped me off to the classroom for the first period, History, wishing me luck and a small 'enjoy'.

How is one supposed to enjoy History?

I entered the classroom ten minutes before the class was to start. There were not many students, just a few talking amongst themselves, too busy to even notice me.

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