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Chapter one

Zoey pov
Today was a weird day but before I get to far I would like to introduce myself. I'm Zoey night my father is the alpha of the second most powerful pack in the world the dark moon pack. I am still mate less but I really don't care. I have one younger brother named karter. but enough with the intro so today on my was to school my bestie Asuna randomly called me so I answer
she's like "guess what" she basically says screaming in my ear.

"what" "we have a SUPER HOT guy at our SCHOOL!!!" "your point is" I groan I have never really been into boys.

" seriously he is cute and see u in a min, bye." "bye " I groan really Asuna.
As I pull in I smell this amazing smell of wood and vanilla. and trust me I have no clue why that works together but hey my nose has a mind of its own.

So I go to school only to see my least favorite girl (aka the slut)at this school literally glued to the schools jock. I just laughed to my self. Such a man whore.
I laugh to myself as I walk to my locker put my stuff in it and get ready for my next class.
Science. I love science the teacher is hallarious. we have a pet Turtle.
( we do in real life :).) as I walk in we get to work on some random dumb but fun project...

Later that day

As I was walking to the lunch room when Jordan walks over to tell me how much she hates English. I don't blame her mrs white or mrs whine or mrs witch depending on the person you ask, back on track everyone hates her she is like hell mixed with school mixed with Craby attitudes. if u can see how that works because as confusing as that is its the definition of her.

so as I am listening to Jordan blabbering on and on about her Asuna walks up and startled us by saying " hello peeps, you have to go to this party" as we give her the look saying what kind of party.

Hint hint we don't care much for parties. " it's a coming of age thing were a alpha hands the title down to the eldest, but the son is super hot and he is also the new student by the way, but he is throwing a party the night before to congratulate him, and you will be going."

As we look at her like ok wow you can talk. We decide to go sense we have yet to go to a big party like this but we both know that she will never for give us is we don't go, so we agree to go.
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Find out what happens at the party Will she meet the one or the two!? Find out in the next chapter. Unlike my other book I am trying to keep this one with long chapters. I will try my best

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