This is my very first story on here, hurrayyy...
So dearest readers go easy on this sweet lovely girl.It's just a one part story, since it's my first i didn't want to go way in, too deep & end up f*ucking up & not doing it at all.
So lovely people from all over the world enjoy reading this one part, one shot, short story uuhh whatever it is story...
PS: Don't forget to make the star shine bright like orange & your comments...dear God...are important to me too & share it of course hahaaa

Awake In My Dream
Short Story"...Then I noticed a girl, coming out of the water. It was her sister, Lola. Really, I thought, such a weird time to swim, I looked at my wristwatch, five minutes past seven pm. But as she approached, I forgot about her questionable time of swimming...