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"Mommy, mommy! Can I go play in the gardens!?"

A small girl begged and pleaded her mother, eyes owlish. After a moment of hesitation and thinking, the mother replied.

"Alright, but come back before the sun sets, and take this key with you."

Little Lucy happily squealed as she took the keys from her mothers' hand and thanked her gratefully. Dashing towards the garden with great speed, she nimbly dodged the servants who were doing their tasks. One of them sighed.

"Young miss only runs like this when she is going out to play, other than that she'll walk slower than a tortoise."

"I know... She never gets out of bed with that speed... She's like the epitome of laziness."

• • • • • •

"Now...time to explore." Lucy murmured with a happy smile on her face, she was always a curious kid, she liked exploring. The last time she explored she found a secret garden—full of life, it felt magical.

Ever since she saw that place, she felt a connected to it. Always looking forward to exploring and spending more time with the place.

She went to a particular bush and pushed the branches aside, entering a small hole which accommodates her size.

She pushed the door open as she saw a wave of butterflies flying around, accompanied by beautiful bright flowers everywhere.

She followed a stone path trail to her favourite place, hearing bird's chirp on her way. It looked like a plain patch of green grass for anyone else but for Lucy, it was special. She would always lie down on the grass, enjoying the breeze. She liked the simplicity of it.

Being in a mansion made her a little curious to the wonders of life. While walking towards there, Lucy tripped and fell,

"Ow!" She squeaked out as she sat up.

Ooh~ The ground is incredibly soft... Lucy thought as she looked beneath her to see what cushioned her fall.

Only to find an unconscious little boy beneath her.

"O-oh no! Did I k-kill someone?!" She panicked as she scrambled to her feet, looking around.

"Urgh..." She suddenly froze as she heard the little boy groan, immediately pulling him up into a sitting position as she exclaimed worriedly, "I'm sorry I tripped and fell on you! Are you alright!? Why are you here?! Please forgive me!" She rambled continuously towards the young boy.

The little boy only opened his eyes and saw her, "That's too much questions being asked at the same time." He said with a levelled out tone.

Lucy blushed in embarrassment as she smiled at him awkwardly, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall on top of you..."

"It's alright." The little boy with pink or as he would prefer it, salmon hair colour, grinned at her.

"My name is Lucy Heartfilia, w-what's yours?"

"It's Natsu!" He exclaimed energetically.

"D-do you want to be f-friends?" She asked nervously, twiddling her fingers.

"Yeah, sure!" He grinned at her brightly. She looked taken aback by how sincere he was. Being the rich man's daughter, she had to deal with fake people in her life. She gave up on finding genuine friends.

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