#5: Chess

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"Can I come in?" He said. "Konuşalım biraz."

Demir clenched his jaw. Attila Erendil is the person he'd least expected to show up on his doorstep on the day of his wedding to Selin. They still have a post-wedding party to prepare for that evening - a simple celebration with their friends in their backyard. Their friends had everything planned in the last few months - they even rented a dance floor for the occasion. Her şey çok güzel olacak, Vedat had told him. The event company will arrive any minute soon and the last thing Demir needed at that moment was a confrontation with someone from his past. He was about to shut the door in Attila's face when he felt Selin's tender touch on his arm. She gave him a soft look before turning her attention to their sudden visitor. The message in her eyes was crystal clear: He deserves a chance to explain himself, Demir.

"It won't take long, söz veriyorum."

"Tabiki," was Selin's reply. "Kusura bakma, kapıda kaldın. Buyrun. Come in."

After serving Attila some tea, Selin bit her lip as she settled down next to Demir on their couch. She could sense her husband's nervousness radiating across their living room - the tension was so immense as if the house is going to collapse on their heads. Studying the stranger sitting before them - her own father-in-law - Selin couldn't help but spot the resemblance between father and son. Clad in a dark grey blazer and a crisp white shirt, Attila Erendil looked every bit the formal businessman he is. Putting down his glass, he finally broke the ice between them.

"I apologize for turning up at your doorstep in such an abrupt manner," he said with a smile. "But I thought I might drop by to congratulate you on your wedding. Evlendiğin için tebrikler. Here's a little gift for you."

Attila handed Selin an envelope, which she graciously accepted. "Teşekkürler," Selin smiled. She could feel the outline of an object through the paper envelope - and she could tell it was a key of some sorts. Demir gave a silent nod in reply. Taking a deep breath, Attila continued. 

"I didn't mean to alarm you," he said. "But I've met some of your friends - Ayda and Azmiye, from Happy Pie. I'm glad you made some friends during your time at Artemim, Demir."

Letting out a heavy sigh, Demir gave his father a long look. "Ne işiniz var burada? Ama maalesef, we do not have all day."

"I shall go straight to the point then," he said. "I'm here to talk about the new company that you have been planning on starting."

Selin frowned. "Did Ayda tell you that? Were you, by chance, the one that offered to help her in Happy Pie?"

Attila nodded. "Evet," he replied. "We had a good chat and she told me about it. Don't take it out on her too hard, though."

"And what about our new company," Demir said, his voice cold. "What are you going to do about it?"

"I'll become your shareholder," Attila said. "In return, you will have to report your work progress to me."

Demir let out a sarcastic laugh. "Why should I? This is my company, and I call the shots," he said. "Were you trying to interfere with my decisions - or even better, my life?"

Selin gave him a squeeze on the forearm. "Tamam Demir," she said, her voice firm but gentle. "Sakin ol."

Attila smiled. "I did not come all this way from Ankara to interfere with your decisions, Demir, and you know this already. I came to help you. And in case you were wondering, Selin Hanım, I did not order a stalker to take photographs of you both while you were travelling in the past six months."

Demir frowned as Selin's mouth gaped open ever so slightly. "About that," she said. "We had our suspicions about who did it. I assume you knew who took those photographs, Attila Bey."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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