Its not rule breaking if it's not a rule

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A tap on my shoulder indicated our 5 min of being model students was up, Jace, who I learned was the fiesty mixed raced girl, didn't like to be called her real name; Jocelyn, she had said, was a name for an old grandma in the 1920s in England.

Her tapping increased to a jab in the shoulder so hard I'm sure it would bruise.

Rolling my eyes I stood up and quietly left the room with my two new delinquent friends.

Anna, I had learnt was of a French background.  Her pale blonde hair and skin made the three of us stand out of a crowed very obviously. She appeared quiet and shy but deadly in my eyes. For she was the only one I had seen so far to go as far as swearing at Jace to shut up.

Everyone else had avoided Jace like the plague, one unsuspecting victim having been at the end of the wrath of her glare for nearly bumping into her on the way to the lecture hall.

Why this University decided to have high school assembly's at the beginning of the semester I will never know. But apparently they weren't compulsory.

"See, everyones leaving" Anna whispered, nodding in the direction of two guys who had left the hall not longer than half a minute before us. They were barely 20 steps ahead of us.

"Well I didn't know you could leave" I whispered back.

"So you mean to say you've actually bothered to sit in those snore-fests before?" Jace asked, stopping in her tracks and turning to face towards me.

"First semester here" I nodded at her as a way of explanation.

Nodding we continued our leisurely pace through the light breeze to the coffee shop accross campus. The lectures and timetables hadn't actually been given out yet so campus was still relatively empty.

Getting a booth at the window of the coffee shop we ordered quickly. Orange chocolate hot chocolate, Peanut butter milkshake and a strong black coffee.

No points for guessing the dark bitter drink matched the personality of the owner.

Stirring the hot chocolate in my hands I scanned the room, there was only 5 other people in the shop. One of them a man reading the newspaper while everyone else appeared to be from campus.

"I assume you're in the same dorm building as us then" Anna asked.

"Something like that" I answered.  Raising an eyebrow Jace looked at me about to say something until the was elbowed not very discretely by Anna.

I laughed out loud at that, the relationship between the two acting as a reminder of the people I left behind when I moved here.

Jace scowled back at Anna, the actions poking at a part inside of me.

Dropping a few notes on the table I jumped up "I'm going to be late for something" I excused before dashing out of the quaint coffee shop.

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