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So i will be saying the characters and some already have wattpad so yea here u go. Victorvc9= Alex,14,has crush on ------ (dont want any spoils) has good combat skills and wizard powers. Aileen,12,has crush on ---- has good combat skills and has the power of moving things with her mind. Jack,13,has crush on -----Good combat skills and has power of creating anything out of anything. Kate,13, has crush on ----Good combat skills and has the power of running faster than a car going at full speed. Aqaumarine0071=Angel,11,has no crush,knows how to hack,hasower of controlling water. Jescob284051=Alexus,14,has no crush,is really smart,has power of controlling weather. So there u go u guys can follow Jescob284051 and Aqaumarine0071 if u want.Thx and stay tuned for my next chapter in which Kate and Jack find out they have special powers too.

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