Chapter 8. The fight

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We were walking to the room when Nash and Hayes start fighting. "Guys calm down" Shawn says trying to break up the fight

"Shawn they can fight if they want to. It's better than the silence in the hallway" Carter said

"What if I liked the silence" Melanie said

"You can get over that Mel" Kate snapped. Woah what is going on. Everyone must be so tired and grumpy Kate never snaps at anyone.

"Kate calm down" Matt says

"She can say what she wants Matt" Kenzie says

"OK kids that's enough" Cam says trying to lighten the mood

"Really Cam? Not right now" Aaron says

"Hey don't talk to him like that" Ari defends

"Doesn't matter what any of you people think. I heard Hayes talking and it was kind of idiotic" JJ puts in

"Hayes isn't idiotic" Kayla replies

"Guys just calm down. I know we are all tired and we can lay down in our rooms ok" Taylor says

"Just because you and Hayes are idiots doesn't mean we are tired" My brother puts in clearly annoyed. By now you can tell everyone is in a bad mood. I would stand up for Taylor but I just don't want to be a part of this. Everyone just stares at me waiting for me to say something.

"She's not gonna say anything she's too perfect" Nash says. Ok that's it.

"Just because you all are a bunch of idiots that have to argue doesn't mean you have to push me to the point where I have to say something. Yes I just called all of you stupid because I can't stand you right now. You are all equally annoying and stupid. So can we quit arguing about Hayes's stupidity and just go back to the room" I say starting to walk toward the elevator while everyone just stayed behind looking at me with shocked expressions. "You wanted me to say something, there you go" I walked into the elevator and pressed our floor number. I really could care less if they were following behind me.

I walk into my room and slam the door. I feel awful about what I said and I needed help. I went and sat into Cam and Ari's room and sat on Ari's bed (the one opposite of the other two). I heard everyone walk in yelling at each and I starting crying. I heard 5 doors slam and then a crying Ari and sad Cam wak in the room. I immediately run up to Ari and hug her. I apologize a million times and then do the same to Cam. As I was hugging Cam, I heard someone kick the wall next door and I start crying into his chest. After a little while I hear a sniffle coming from Ari's bed. I walk over to her and sit next to her.

"Why are you crying?" I ask her

"Cause I supposed to be the responsible one and I can't even break up a small fight before I becomes a big one" she exlpained "I would've run after you but Cam isn't very good and dealing with this stuff. I didn't know what you were gonna do. Forget the manager shit I thought I was gonna loose one of my best friends. Cara, I'm so sorry I put you through that. I should've stopped Nash from saying that. I should've done something and I didn't. I'm so sorry"

"I am too" Cam said "You are one of my best friends and I don't know what I would do without you" I walk over and hug him

"Cam you are one of the best friends I've ever had" I say kissing his cheek.

We heard a door creak open and I started crying again along with Ari.

"You guys stay in here. I'm gonna go see what that's about"

"K but Cam? If anyone asks where I am don't tell them I'm in here. They need to regret what they said"


"Cam get her stuff from Kate and Mel's room when you are out there"

"Gotcha" he says opening the door

Kate's POV

When we got to the room I ran into our room and laid on my bed burrying my face in my pillow. I didn't even bother to look at Cara's bed. I just laid there and thought about how I snapped at Mel. She came in a few seconds later and I sat up on my bed and looked at her for a second.

"Mel I'm so sorry I snapped at you! I didn't mean to I was just tired and everyone was annoying me. You know I love you Mel! Please don't hate me" I said through my sobs

Mel's POV

"Kathryn Lindsay Espinosa I could never hate you! I love you so much! I understand! I was annoyed too!" I said hugging my best friend.

"Hey Mel where's Cara?"

"On her b-idk"

"You don't think"

"Don't jump to conclusions" I reassured kate "I'll text the group of annoying people and see if she is in their rooms"

Text convo: (contact name in italics real name in paranthesis text in bold)

To: The squad (everyone)

Hey have you guys seen Cara she isn't in here

I smiled at the contact names, I'll tell you why that's their contact.

Bubba (Gilinsky)- Um no

I'm at the gilinsky house so much he's like my brother

Rapsity (JJ)- Don't bug Jack she's probably with the other girls

He's a rapper duh

Cuzin (Kenzie)- She's not with us

Again at the gilinsky house so much I'm one of the family

The vine bæ (Kayla)- She goes to starbucks when she is upset

She uses vine more than Nash

Anna (Kate)- But she wouldn't go without her phone

Her hair her is the same color as Cam's but with a blonde streak

Mr. Blue Eyes (Nash)- This is all my fault

He has really blue eyes

The little baby grier (Hayes)- No it's mine I shouldn't have fought with you

He's the baby boy

STAPH (carter)- Awe that's sweet but we don't need to fight about who's fault it is my sweet cheeks is missing

Mrs. Reynolds says Cartah Staph whenever he bugs her

The life of the party (shawn)- Carter's right. I would say text her but she's in this convo and she left her phone

That's his hit song

The carpenter (aaron)- Guys she might be in the room somewhere. Did you check the bathroom?

Last name

To: the squad- Kate checked. She isn't in there

The dinosaur (Matt)- K. Taylor you ok man? You haven't said anything

If you've seen his vines you'll understand

The bæ's bæ (Taylor)- Yeah I'm just great my girlfriend, soul mate, and best friend is missing and I'm just having a party in here. OF COURSE I'M NOT OK.

My best friend's boyfriend

Bubba- Can I freak now??? No one knows where my baby sister is. God I never should've called you an idiot taylor

The bæ's bæ- We have bigger problems right now. That didn't bother me man what's bugging me is that my girlfriend is missing

The dinosaur- Kate you ok?

Anna- Matt. You think I'm ok??? My best friend is missing

The life of the party- Enough texting everyone in the main room

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