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Lili POV
It had been a few weeks since I had seen any of the cast members as we had all went home for a quick break. Me and Cole were going to go for a quick trip away but we couldn't find any flights and his brother really wanted to see him since they both had time off on there jobs. I wasn't mad I don't think I have the right too and I'm glad I can go and see my family anyway I miss them all especially Addie.
Me and Cole have been dating for over a year now the riverdale cast have there suspicions but we haven't told them, they see us peck lips behind the scenes and they just look confused. We don't feel the need to tell them but I think at the reunion we will. We have texted everyday and called every night I miss him and my anxiety is starting to play up again because of it.
Cole's POV
I can't wait to get back to filming I mean I love spending time with my brother and his girlfriend but I also hate it as I can't see Lil's. We are reuniting in a few days and I've never been more excited ... but scared as we are all meeting up straight at the hotel restaurant meaning I don't get alone time with my precious girlfriend before hand and I know her anxiety is playing up and I feel so bad that I'm not there to hold her and help her through it though I'm sure Amy is doing a great job.
*A few days later*
Lili's POV
I'm on my way to the hotel place where we are supposed to be having a cast meal, I can't wait to see Cole I have missed him like mad. The plane ride was horrible I don't like planes as it is and there was loads of turbulence but nobody's hand to hold. Cole's already in Vancouver he got here a few hours before me, he said that he would wait for me in the airport but it would be suspicious and we haven't went public yet.
I'm sat in the Uber and something doesn't feel right, he told me to sit in the front so I did but now I regret it his hand keeps going on my thigh and I keep pushing it away but it comes back so I decided to text Cole to ask him what I should do.
Me:The driver keeps putting his hand on my thigh I don't know what to do.🥺
🥰🥺cole💗:Ah babe do you know where a-bouts you are.❤️
Me:Yeah I'm like 10 minutes away from where we are meeting.❣️
🥰🥺cole💗:You could either stay in there until you get to set and I will have words or I can order an
Uber and come and get you.❤️
Me:I will just stay I want to get to
you faster.💓
🥰🥺cole💗:Baby as long as your safe, I don't want you getting hurt.❤️
Me:I will be okay I'm like 5 mins away love you.❤️
🥰🥺cole💗:okay love you too.❤️
After I stopped texting Cole I decided to just keep quiet and look out the window. We were only two minutes away and I felt his hand on my thigh but he was moving it further and further up my leg, I tried to stop him but he wouldn't, after a minute of trying he finally stop and I could see the hotel, but I couldn't help but let a tear slip out of my eye as I started panicking thinking he was actually going to hurt me I tried to keep my breathing slow.
Cole's POV
The cast and I were waiting for Lili, cami and Casey to arrive at the front of the hotel. I was scared for Lili after what she had told me so I was waiting there anxiously and let out a sigh of relief when I saw a gorgeous blonde pull up in an Uber. I rushed straight to her door and opened it but my heart dropped when I saw tears falling out of her eyes and could see that she was trying to calm herself down. As soon as I opened the door she jumped into my arms one of my arms going under her thighs to hold her up and the other in her hair to keep her head pushed against my shoulder. "Charles can you come and get her stuff out of the Uber" I ask not wanting to put her down, most of her stuff is in our apartment anyway as we both had it shipped over she only had a backpack. "And you are not getting payed you fucking asshole, drive the fuck away before I do something I won't regret!" I shout pointing at the Uber driver. "Calm down Cole." Charles says in a hushed tone. Before I have time to say anything else the Uber has drive away and I walk to the wall Lili still in my arms. "Charles could you give us a minute." I ask wanting to give Lil's a chance to get her breathing back to normal. He nods placing her bags down and walks back to the others. I place Lili down before sitting on the floor and pulling her onto my lap. "I'm so sorry baby." I whisper into her ear as her head is snuggled into my neck. She lifts her head up and kisses my cheek. "It wasn't your fault." She smiles sweetly. "I love you" I reply placing my hands on her neck and her hands are cupping my cheeks. "Love you too" she reply's before we lean in and kiss passionately my tounge exploring her mouth. We both pull away when we hear 2 cars pull up, I quickly peck her lips 2 more times before we stand up and join the others. When we walk over there I have Lili pulled up against my hugging her from behind and everyone looks at us. "Okay so we're dating" I smirk and everybody burst out into laughter whilst I kiss Lili's cheek.

This was 1032 words I hope to make them all similar lengths and I also will need ideas so feel free to comment any ideas I will try my best to create what you asked for. H/C

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