Prologue 2

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As I faced where the voice had come from.
"Monopollyyy we told you to wait!!"
Another voice scolded.

"Doesn't matter~ they already heard me"

"Fine.. Monorio, hurry up!"

Three bears appeared suddenly, I heard Haru scream and clutch onto my blue shirt.

"Welcome!! I'm Monopolly!"
The blue and white bear like creature that wore a top hat and had a white mustache introduced.

"I'm Monorio"
The yellow bear looking announced.

"Aaand I'm Monolele"
A red and black Teddy bear looking thing

"What the fuck are you??"
I heard Sora yell.

"I don't know.. Jesus says that they aren't good"
Aria announced.

"Well well well well wellllll, welcome students!! To the annual killing game!! I am your principal monokuma!!"
A black and white bear, that stood bigger than the other three.

"What are you talking about?"
I wasn't sure who yelled but it was probably Umbris with the tone of voice.

"I thought you were one of the smarter ones vampire"
The bear laughed.
"This killing game will be hosted in this building filled with horrors and scares. All linked back, to my living students~. The killing game is simple, you kill someone and get away with it and boom you're graduating while all your other classmates watch"

I didn't know what to say, I was panicking. Then I remembered him, I took deep breaths and calmed down
"No! We won't listen to your.. Your killing game! We won't kill eachother just for your pleasure!! If you were really our principal you would protect us from all of this in the world. Not making us persue it just to graduate!!"

"*Someone* needs to shut up.."
The marshmallow and black liquorice bear slammed down on a button with a small wooden hammer, suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen.

Haru pushed me to the ground trying to stop me from getting hit but it was too late. I laid on the ground as everyone looked at me in horror, a spear had hit me and just barely missing any important organs.

I noticed in the corner of my eye Akinori began to twitch and tick slightly, I though it was normal until he began arguing quietly with himself.

Soon the blue haired boy rushed over, he had bandages on his right arm this time.
"Okay, I know what to do"
Aki murmured as he pulled out a first aid kid.

"You're the ultimate K-pop idol idiot how are you gonna preform surgery exactly, Akinori?"
Sora rolled her eyes as she spoke.

"I-I'll explain i-in a minute"
He began to help my wound. I winced anytime I felt pain and he would apologise, he'd be a good doctor I'd tell you.

"Wh-what the hell?? If you killed her what's stopping you from killing all of us exactly?"
Willo yelled for answers.

"Pleaaase she isn't getting out of this *that* easily. She'll survive, but she needs to learn to NOT speak when you're not spoken to"

"But didn't you speak to all of us directly? Technically you did speak to her"
Umbris added on to the bears statement.

"Shut up! Doesn't matter! Any who before I was RUDLY INTERRUPTED I wa s going to give you all you a monopad each, break it and you'll end up like sugar rush down there. But actually dead"

"I don't think threats will get us anywhere"
Kaylee contradicted.

"I swear I'll kill you all if someone interrupts me again-"
The bear glared.
"Here are your monopads! Enjoy them! Read the rules. And all the information you need to know about a body will appear, this is known as the monofile. It shows the time of death, how they died and so on"
Monokuma announced happily as it threw tablets and us, thank god Mariko had caught mine. After they had all been thrown out to us the bears said their goodbyes and vanished.

Once Aki had sewn up my stomach and bandaged I got up.
"This is sickening and ridiculous that they think we'll listen to them"

"Here, I got your mono.. Tablet thing while you were getting your stomach fixed up"
Mariko handed it over with a kind smile.

"Thank you so much, its appreciated"

"What are we going to do.."
Gary asked.

"Why don't we all play catch!!"
Mizumi suggested.

"Oooo! I second that!! Catch sounds fun right now!!"
Kikira beamed brightly, they seemed like the same person in most people's eyes, but I could tell they were completely different.

"Hey, Lorili should you be moving around? Your stomach is still wounded after all.."
Aster suggested.

"I'll be fine"
I smiled.
"I don't want to just sit around doing nothing, I want to be useful"
I fixed my hair and streched my back, wincing at the pain.

"I think finding safe rooms to sleep in is more important than.. Catch right now"
Aria added.
"Besides there are multiple rooms that have dangers so it would be best to find the safest"

"You're right Aria"
Satula nodded in agreement with the paranormal investigator.

"Yeah, I'll go with Satula"
Umbris announced.

"Yeah everyone go in at least groups of two"
I mentioned. I didn't want anyone ending up in a room they might be in danger with, going with someone else might help.
"I'll go this way down to check, we all meet back in an hour"

Once we had all split up I walked into the first room, Mizumi's. I opened the door to see two huge spiders clawing at the door. I smiled kindly and sat down, shutting the door behind me.
"Hello, I'm Lorili, you met Mizumi already haven't you? Gave her a fright too a presume"
I giggled and petted one on the head, they were like a mix of a dogs and a cats stereotypical personality, lively but lazy.

After a few minutes I had to leave before people got concerned.
"Bye bye, I'll tell Mizumi this rooms safe"
I promised as i left.

Prologue complete..


Chapter one beginning

Prologue part two is finished. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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