Chapter 21 - The Food Shop

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I was on my last strawberry when Zac came from behind me.

"How was your talk with Sherry?" He kissed me on my neck.

"You mister have a lot of explaining to do. Sit down and tell me who else knew about your proposal aside from Sher." I pointed the couch.

God he is so damn gorgeous right now! I just want to jump on him but I refrain myself and do a little acting that I am upset.

"It was your father first because I asked his blessings then Sherry then last was mom." He was holding his neck.

"So the three of you went on planning everything?" I folded my arms on my chest.

"Well not exactly your dad just talked to Elena about it same with my mom to dad. I want to have their approval before I propose to you. With Sherry she said helped me with the location and keeping you busy. Please don't be upset babe. I'm sorry if we had to keep it because it's meant to be for you." He cupped my face.

"I was just playing you a little babe. How can I be mad when all you do is give the best of your love and care?" I finally gave up my act.

"I love you Shane. You made me very happy." He hugged me tight.

"I love you more babe. Thank you so much for everything." I pulled away.

He eventually catches my lips and we begin our make out session. He made me lay down on the couch and was so careful not to put pressure on my tummy. We parted our lips when we ran out of air.

"Babe is that baby names? I remember you mentioned we will start looking." I set my eyes on the papers.

"Oh... that." He followed my gaze.

"Is everything okay?" I studied him for a while. 

"Actually babe it's the contract and I need to go to the office for few hours." He rolled out on top of me.

"I thought you cleared your agenda for today?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I did but Bianca called about the investors demanding my presence at 1600..." He started explaining while helping me get up. 

"Wow! That's a lot to handle babe you better get ready then." I totally felt his stress level.

"You wanna come with me in the office then we can have dinner after?" He played with my hair.

"I think I'll stay home besides you will be in the Conference room while I will end up playing Angry bird on my phone." I stretched my arms tiredly.

"Are you sure you'll be fine here?" He faced me this time.

"Yeah babe I'm fine. Go get ready I know how important this deal with the Company." I fixed his hair a little.

"I'll try to be back before dinner. Hopefully the meeting finish soon as I expected it and then I'll head to the construction site. Please don't get worked up if you feel tired go rest okay?" He keeps on instructing me.

"Zac we will be fine. Now go before you get late." I ushered him to the door.

"I love you babe and I love you too our little munchkins. Be good for Mommy." He talked to my baby bump.

"I love you too babe. Drive safely! I'll see you tonight."  I pecked his lips and off he goes.

When Zac left I was bored so I decided to watch some movie. Soon I drifted off to sleep when I heard the noisiest phone rings ever.


Zac:       Hey babe! How are you feeling? Did I wake you up? (He          guessed right)

Me: I was dreaming about our kids       running around the house when you interrupted me. (I yawned)

Zac:        Sorry babe. (He misinterpret my humour)

Me:         I'm just kidding babe you know I always love to hear your       voice. Anyways what happened to meeting? Are you on your way back? (I rubbed my eyes)

Zac:        I am still discussing it with dad and we just had fifteen minutes break and I go back to the conference room. I just called to tell you I might spend another hour here. (He breathed in heavy)

Me:         Are you still going to the site after that? (I began to sit up)

Zac:        Nope since working hours is almost over. I will just head home straight after this I'll be there around eight o'clock. (He probably checked the time)

Me:         Good luck with the meeting and don't worry about me and the                kids will be fine. Just finish the deal and we will be here waiting. (I supported him)

Zac:        Thanks babe you're the best. Anyway is it okay if we just order               our dinner what do you think? Does our munchkins wants something aside some strawberry and pb? (He suggested)

Me:         Yeah but apparently your kids are still in stuffed state. Call me               on the way and maybe they are ready to answer. (I giggled)

Zac:        Okay babe. I better hang up now we will be resuming in few    minutes. I love and miss you so much. See you tonight my beautiful wife (His word made me blushed)

Me:         Love you and miss you too babe. See you later my gorgeous     hubby. (I cut the line)


While watching some cooking shows I got an idea to surprise Zac. I checked the time to see if I have enough time to prepare and I do. So I grabbed my car key and head to Wal-Mart to get the ingredients I needed. My fiancé will be surprised tonight because I am making our dinner.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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