The Girl In The Mirror

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First off, I'm just gonna explain something. Each chapter I'm going to try and attach an image that is relevant with the story in that part.
I look at the girl in the mirror.
She has deep emerald green eyes, long dark eyelashes that make them seem wider then they actually are.
She has ruby red lips, the bottom lip fuller then the top and a piercing on the bottom.
She has high cheekbones and pale skin.
She has long black hair, the tips which are colored to look like fire reach the small of her back.
She has a perfect hourglass figure, covered by a baggy black sweatshirt and gray jeans.
Her eyes eyes are narrowed dangerously, she looks like someone you don't want to mess with.
Her mouth is curved into a devious smirk, only further making you want to stay on her good side.
That girl is me.
I sigh and look down into the sink.

"Ugh, I really don't wanna do this tonight" I mutter to no one. "Phoenix, you have to. If we get an award there's no way in hell me or Bryan are giving a speech." Comes the voice of Jasper from outside the door. Damn him and his superhuman hearing.

I roll my eyes and open the bath room door. "I know I have to, but I might fall asleep halfway through."
He's standing in front of the full length mirror on the door of my closet.
Jasper is very attractive, not handsome, but really badass looking.
He has pitch black hair that he spends way to much time on, always spiked with gel.
He has a lip piercing similar to mine, except on the top lip, and obsidian eyes.
He's rather tan, which is a mystery to me because he's never in the sun.
He has a defined six pack, which I know only because he walks around in his boxers every day at home, and always wears some type of bad ass clothing.

He snorts "Phoenix, you know damn well you won't fall fall asleep." I sign and shake my head. He's right, and it kind of sucks. It takes me nearly 3 hours to fall asleep each night.

"Ugh, are you guys going to be ready soon, I've been waiting for like an hour." Comes the voice of my other friend, Bryan.
I check my watch "it's only been 10 minutes dude." I yell back.
"Same difference!" He responds.
I laugh and shake my head, pulling off my hoodie.

Underneath I wear a white tank top, which I only ever wear under long sleeves.
I catch a glimpse of my arms, littered with fading scars. I stopped cutting long ago, but the scars will always be there to remind me of how weak I was.

I sigh and dig through the "clean clothes" basket, (who needs to put clothes in a dresser anyways?) pulling out a black long sleeved shirt. I slip it on over the tank top and pull the end of the sleeves over my hands.

I don't bother to change pants, they aren't that dirty. Jasper is watching me intently, his eyes locked on my now covered arms.
I wouldn't normally change in front of a guy, even if that guy is my best friend, but Jasper isn't attracted to women. In fact, he and Bryan are engaged.

"I'm really glad you stopped Phoenix." He says in a soft voice, still looking at my arms.
I look down "so am I." I respond.

"I know" he says, frowning. "What?" I ask, one eyebrow raised.
"You're a mystery Fi" he says, a hint of humor in his voice.
That's what I love about Jasper, he can find humor in the darkest situation, even if he insists on giving me ridiculous nicknames.

"Hurry up guys!" Yells Bryan again, sounding even more impatient.
He is most defiantly the most impatient out of all of us, and I'm not a patient person.
"Jesus dude, it's only been 3 minutes!" I yell back, fighting the urge to laugh.

I shake my head and grab my black raggedy base ball cap and slip it on my head as I walk towards eyes bedroom door. Upon open the door and walking through the connected bathroom I see a tired Bryan lounging in the black leather couch.

Bryan is attractive in a different way.
He has longish messy brown hair, hazel eyes and black thick framed glasses.
He's skinny and pale with his right ear pierced. (The result of a few to many drinks and a sober me and Jasper feeling like assholes)
He's pretty tall at 6'2", standing above me at 5'10" and shorter then Jasper at 6'4".
Apparently, he's cute and geeky, at least that's what our fans say.
Jasper's a sexy badboy and I'm (apparently) beautiful and mysterious, in a bad girl way.
I don't believe them though, I'm not cute, much less beautiful.

I absentmindedly run my tongue over my top lip, my tongue piercing leaving a chilled sensation behind.

"Jasper, hurry the fuck up!" Says Bryan again, letting out a low groan.
I snicker and walk over to the front door, where my black uggs lay by the door.
I normally wouldn't spend so much money on shoes, but they're so damn comfortable.

"Finally! The lord is done getting ready!" Come the voice of Bryan when Jasper finally exists my room. He's wearing a black v neck t shirt and dress pants, his hair is spiky and perfect and he's wearing dem fancy dress shoes.

Bryan is wearing a white t shirt and black blazer, black skinny jeans, dress shoes and a fedora.
I feel kind of underdressed in my long sleeved black shirt, (slightly) worn gray jeans, black uggs and old baseball cap, but it's and improvement from my usual baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants.

Jasper smirks "just making myself pretty for my Bebe" he says in a kiss-up voice.
Bryan rolls his eyes and looks away, but I spot the small smile on his face.
I clear my throat "shall we go then?" I ask, looking at Bryan with a small smirk on my face.

"We shall indeed, dear." Responds Jasper in the worst British accent ever
God, I hate the Grammys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2014 ⏰

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