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Bella's pov

"UGH" I groaned trying to roll out of bed to get ready for the day. I do my normal daily shit like brush teeth and hair and get dressed

I simply put on black jeans vans and  a oversize shirt.then I head downstairs

"Smells like alcohol and weed" I sniffed

"I love it " bella said proudly

"There you are"dad

"Yupp here I am in the flesh" I rolled my eyes

My dad just kept eyeing me down with a cold expression on his face
I just kept my bitch face on not giving a fuck

"Alright let's go we need to get ready to go to the head courters. We have to deal with something there" dad groaned

" What do we have to deal with?" Bella questioned

"You'll see" he looked me in my eyes. It made me a little worried but not much.

At the head courters

We walked into the head courters and down to the basement is what our can call it. It's sum what dark but not really.

Once we headed down there I instantly felt my blood boil once I saw the one and only losers the blue snakes.

Thy were on one side and my Mafia was on the other

Once everyone saw us they went quit and watched my dad but mostly me every move

I gave everyone on the blue snakes a disgusted face and instantly I heard a scrowl from one of the girls on the blue snake side. I turned my direction to her she locked eyes with me we both gave eachother the death stare. She gave in and looked away causing me to smirk and sit down where my Mafia was at.

I sat next to my bestfriend of course her name is Kayla and she one bad bitch.we both became bestfriends bc her mom was close with mine but that wasn't all we killed one person together so we can say we killed someone at the same time and same person.

Anyways my father the leader of the dark angles and the leader of the red snakes Sebastian stood on the little stage we had down there

"Listen up" dad yelled out

"We are here bc we have news that a new Mafia has moved into the city" Sebastian

" And why are we here together" someone yelled on my side

"We are here bc this Mafia has more weapons then us combined meaning they are a threat and we r not going to let them destroy our mafias so we r joining sides to take them down"dad

" Oh Fuck no" I yelled

" We can't fucking join sides" Kayla yelled as well causing everyone on the blue side to stare us.

Me and Kayla glared back at them

"SHUT IT" dad said eyeing us

"Would you rather have us destroyed rather than joining" dad questioned us. We just kept our bitch faces on.

"We need 2 boys and 2 girls" Sebastian

"I'll pick my two girls Kayla and Bella" my dad said proudly. He gestured us to walk up the stage. Before we did we look at each other with a confused face.

"Well then I'll choose two of my boys Nate and Jay" Sebastian said standing tall

I looked toward the direction of the blue snakes and in the back I see 2 tall muscular guys walk out the shadows making my jaw drop but not literally.

I looked at Kayla while she looked at me. We both can tell that we were attracted to them like of course they are insanely hot.

"Here boys" Sebastian said

Both Nate and Jay stood face to face with Bella and Kayla
Jay facing bella

And Nate facing Kayla

I locked eyes with Jay he has beautiful grey eyes nice black slicked back hair fit body. I can basically tell he has abs through his shirt.

He looked me up and down as he lightly smirked but he knew he despised me and my Mafia. I can see it in his eyes he hated me and including The Black Angles

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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