Chapter 19

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I shiver in my seat, group seems emptier than usual. Maybe it's just me. Paige enters.

"Your probably wondering why we're the only ones here." She says taking a seat across from me
"Yeah it may have crossed my mind" I laugh
"Today we are going to do a little one in one" says Paige
I groan
"Oh shush it's not that bad. Let's begin" Paige scoots her chair closer, "I know we've done this before but I want you to pick a word that describes how you feel"

I think for a moment before answering, "distant"
Paige gives me a nod
I continue, "it seems as if I'm separate from everyone else. I'm in my only little world and I don't want to let anyone in. I like to keep everything to myself and lock others out."

Paige stops writing and sets her papers down on her lap, "I have to say Maddie I'm very proud of you. You've come along way since we first meet and I'm so grateful that I have been given the chance to work with you. You've grown up so much. I'm honestly so upset that this will be our last time together."

I gasp, the last group? "What I don't understand?"

She continues, "it's time for you to entire the world on your own. Your not the lost little girl you were 2 years ago. You may have been lost but now your found. But not by me, I was just here to guide you along the way. Maddie, you found yourself, I never doubted you even for a moment."

I'm shocked, "I doubted myself"

She laughs, "I know but the past is the past. Now you just have to look forward to the future."

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