Chapter 1- Community Service

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I <3 Serena Chang

One thing was for sure. A lot has happened.

Let me start.

I was never one to proclaim my love in such brazen way, but one has to wonder how it came to this, with me etching the phrase onto a table using a dulled-out scissor I had no use for, until now.

It started like all common unrequited love stories. A meet-cute.

Our meeting however, was not in the slightest cute.

The school bell rang. It marked a new school year. The last hurrah and a perfect marker for the last of four years in this sweat-hole dump we all know and love called High School.

I walk in, head held up high and proud, like a true senior would.

Everything starts. Class starts.

A gray figure wearing a gray jacket with a gray tie and gray pants walks in. He scratches the pristine black-board with the words "Mr. Carl".

"I know its hard to say but Mr. Carl is my name", Mr. Carl jokes with an almost fake cheery tone.

"We are here to learn Calculus and Vectors. Now good luck, as I am a hard marker" Mr. Carl continues as he slaps his two palms together and creates friction between them.

Just as my mind was about to decide whether he was joking or not, a name is called to the office. It is mine.

"Alex Wu to the guidance office please. Alex Wu to guidance. Thank you."

"I think that's you kiddo" remarks Mr. Carl as he snaps his fingers and points to me.

I get up and walk down the hallway.

Usually loud, filled with disaster and chaos, the hallway was silent and undisturbed. It was kind of creepy and weird and definitely smelled like ass-crack and body odour.

I continue to make my way down the hallway and in a flash a hand grabs mine and grasps it to pull mine into his.

He presses his lips onto mine and I allow them.

"Hey," he starts, "Whatcha doing here?" He asks curiously, as if I could never roam the empty hallways. Not that I would. But I definitely could.

I continue to walk towards the guidance office. Trying to ignore him but also trying not to be rude. After all, he is my boyfriend.

I decide to give him an answer "Umm, guidance called me the office," walking in a quicker pace hoping he would leave.

"Alright. Umm hope everything's okay.." he replies, not really knowing what else to say.

After a few silent seconds he finally grants my wishes, but before that, he kisses me again. I allow him, again.

I reach the guidance office. I open the door and the smell of lemon grass creeps up on me. I take a breath in to make sure of the fragrance I smelled. I wrinkle my nose. It was lemon grass. I hate the smell of lemon grass, as well as vanilla. But that's a reference for later.

I make my way in and I sit on a chair.

"Alex Wu", a voice calls from a room.

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