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"Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you...."

Renjun sang as he walked over with a stack of pancakes holding a candle in the center.

"Make a wish." He said after he finished singing.

I smiled at the unexpected surprise. "I wish you would sing more often. I didn't know your voice was so beautiful!"

"If you say your wish out loud it wont come true." He teased.

I smiled then proceeded to close my eyes. Without a second thought I wished for me and Haechan to finally be able to see eachother. I blew out the candle to make the wish official.

"Everything will be okay soon." Renjun placed his hand on my shoulder as if he knew exactly what I had wished for.

"Thank you for everything Renjun." I smiled and gave him a hug. "I know this hasn't been easy for you either. Because of me, you haven't been able to be with Hyunjin or any of the others outside of school. It's also probably not easy having to pretend you have no idea where I am."

"It's no that bad, on the bright side its kinda like having a little sister to look after. And if I'm being honest it's nice living with someone, even if it is temporary."

I never realized how lonely Renjun must feel sometimes. His parents had left him behind and moved back to to china a few years ago. He wanted to finish school in Korea so they rented him an apartment and ever since then he has lived alone.

I cut the stack of pancakes in half and shared them with Renjun for breakfast.

When he left for school I laid on the couch and continued binge watching my favorite drama. I wasn't proud of it but this had sadly become my daily routine for the past week.

I was deeply immersed in my drama I almost missed Heachan's phone call.

"Happy Birthday." He congratulated me as soon as I answered.

"Thank you sunshine."

"I miss you so much you know, I wish you would just tell me where you were."

"I miss you too but we need to be patient. We will be able to see each other soon." I sighed over the phone.

"I'm going crazy y/n, the only thing I want is to finally see your beautiful smile."

"Just see...." I purposely teased him.

Although I couldn't see it, I could sense Haechan's lips form a smirk.

"Well maybe also hug you...and kiss you."

I giggled at his straight forward statement.

"We'll see about that..." I trailed off. "But for now I think it's more important that you return to class."

He sighed at my response. "Okay but I'll be calling you later tonight, stay safe."

I frowned after hanging up the call. I missed him so much.

Not only did I miss him but I also missed the others. Instead of celebrating my birthday with my friends like a normal teenager, I was stuck indoors hiding from my own family.

How did my life get like this?

It was no use moping about it, it wouldn't change a thing.

Renjun texted me in the afternoon letting me know that he would be home late due to his date with Hyunjin. I was happy that he was finally taking the time to be with his boyfriend but also a bit lonely without him.

I talked to Hyunjin a few times throughout the week but even he didn't know I was staying with Renjun.

As the day went on I received multiple messages and phone calls from the boys wishing me a Happy Birthday. It cheered me up alot while I was stuck in this empty house.

Around 6 in the evening Haechan finally called me back.

"What is my princess up to?"

"Yah." I blushed. "I told you not to call me that."

He chuckled at my embarrassment. "I know but what can I say, you are my princess."

"I swear when I see you Lee Haechan."  I warned him.

"About that...." He sounded a bit suspicious.

"About what? What exactly are you planning?" I instinctively raised my eyebrow.

"Meet me tonight."

"What? But we had agreed that It's safer for me to stay hidden for now."

"The two men who were spying on me stopped. At first I wasn't too certain but now I'm positive that they know you weren't with me."

"I don't know Heachan..." I was very hesitant. "What if they are tricking us?"

"I don't know." He admitted. "All I know is that I want to see you, hold you, and be with you y/n."

"Me too but if they find me I will be sent to America immediately. We will be separated forever." I frowned at the thought of that ever happening.

"I won't let that happen." He paused momentarily. "Maybe I'm a fool, but y/n, I love you so much it hurts. I cant stand being away from you any longer. Those three months we were broken up were the worst three months of my life. I don't want to repeat history, I need to be with you."

Tears were streaming down my face. "You drive me crazy Lee Haechan......but I'm hopelessly in love with you."

"That's the first time you tell me you love me." He replied.

"Then meet me at the park near your house in an hour, so I can look into your eyes and tell you a million times more that I love you."

He chuckled lightly. "I will always wait for you y/n, no matter how long it takes."

After ending the call I quickly gathered my things and caught the first bus toward Haechan's house. It was only a short ride but I had begun to feel anxious. As if I were never going to get there. I couldn't explain it but something deep in the pit of my stomach was telling me that something was going to go wrong.

I brushed of the feeling and lightly mumbled to myself. "You are over thinking things y/n."

I could see the park in the distance when I got off the bus. The thought of being wrapped in Haechans warm arms soon made me smile.

I unexpectedly got a phone call from Hyunjin but sent it straight to voicemail.

"I'll message him later." I thought to myself.

Less than a second later my phone started ringing again. It was unusual for Hyunjin to call me back to back like that.

I stopped in my place and decided to answer his call quickly.

"Hyunjin I hate to be rude but I'm kinda in the middle of something right now."

"Y/N you need to go to Seoul Maincity Hospital, I'm headed there right now."

"What, Why?" I asked in confusion.

"My mother just received a phone call from yours. Y/N, your father has suffered a massive heart attack."

I couldn't believe Hyunjin's words. I looked down the street to see the park in the distance.

I felt as tears began to form in my eyes.

"I'm on my way."

I hung up the call and waved down the nearest taxi to me.

"I'm sorry Haechan."


Sorry If this chapter was boring >~<
next chapter is where all the drama is going to happen so be prepared!!!! Update will be Friday~

Anyway I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy ^^ Remember to wash your hands for atleast 20 seconds and social distance as much as possible.

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