Chapter one - Visit

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 I pushed myself away from my desk, letting my desk chair take me away.
"I just need to edit now" I said to myself, I glanced over to my desk and saw a small, red bouncy ball just sitting there next to my undertale merch. I stared at it for a moment, it begged to be played with so I raised my hand and beckoned it closer. The ball wobbled and started floating in the air, black veins grew up my arm and fingertips as the ball came flying into my hand
"Fuck!" I yelled, I grabbed my arm "I should stop doing hurts like a bitch" I glanced at the marks on my arm, they gradually disappeared. I threw the bouncy ball up in the air, it hit off the ceiling and back into my hands. I turned my head and looked at my mountain of Sam plushies"I swear i'm an adult Sammy" I said to the stuffed eyeball. I rolled my eyes from lack of response from my gooey friend."I know i shouldn't talk to myself but if i don't then who will" I said sarcastically. "I'm going to take a shower before I start to edit"I decided, so I threw the small ball on the floor and rose to my feet.

 I shuffled along to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I whipped my shirt off and flexed in the mirror a few times, I turned to look at my back ever since i can remember my back has had a huge tattoo of a large, green, human like eyeball. Black veins spurted out in different directions around it but they never went onto the rest of my body only my back, except when i use my powers, then they crawl up to the part i'm using.
"This tattoo is pretty ugly" I thought to myself. I finished getting dressed and hopped into the shower. I always thought that the shower was the best place to think. I brooded in the shower for a while until I was clean. I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off and slipped on some Pj's.
"Right. Editing time" I sat down at my desk again and just as i was about to open my editing software, I got a facebook message from Mark.

"Heya Jackaboy!, are you going to the party in Glasgow tomorrow?"

Urgh. The party, I told Mark that i was busy but i just didn't want to travel all the way to Glasgow just to stay up till the early hours of the morning dancing to music i hate and talking to drunk idiots. Kinda harsh but i'd rather stay home and watch netflix. My fingers got busy

"Hey man...I told you, i'm busy...maybe next time tho :P"

"Okay bro, hey we'll talk about a colab soon okay?"

"Sure, have fun!"

"Always do! see ya"

-Mark is offline-

I edited till the early hours of the morning. My head and heart started to hurt from staring at a computer screen for hours mixed with a worrying amount of coffee being poured into my body so I thought it was time to stop. I sleepily pattered off to bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep, i got a text from Mark. 

-Hey bro! Look...this party is pretty bad, the squad I was meant to be with canceled at the last minute and this place is just filled with drunk and horny people.- 

-Sounds fun-

-It's fun if your one of those drunk or horny people. But alas I am neither, i'm just tired and stuck in Ireland with no place to sleep-


-Bummer? that's all? your not frantically running out your door only in your undies trying to find me? to see if your bestest friend isn't dead in a gutter somewhere?-

-i'm not in my pants. I'm in my trousers-

-can't say the same for most of the Irish fuckboys i can see coming out of this club-

-You want a place to crash for the night?-

-FINALLY! Yes thank you very much i would love to sleep-

-your not the only one-

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and placed the phone on my bedside table. I stretched and yawned and immediately fell back asleep. 


I shot up from my slumber as soon as i heard a loud crashing noise coming from the house
"Who's there?" I reply. I swung my legs over the bed and stood up.
"I need my bat" I said quietly to myself. I searched my room from head to toe and i couldn't find it or any other weapon
"Shit" I whispered. I thought for a moment...The bat was in the living room, I left it there when i was cleaning. I looked at my hand
"I guess i have no other choice, i need to use" I rolled my eyes, even talking about my 'powers' made me feel like i was in a chapter of twilight or a bad fanfiction. I closed my eyes and focused on my body. It hurt, no it stung. I yanked off my shirt, the huge pulsating eye on my back started to glow, the black veins traveled up my body, all the way up my neck and up to my cheeks. 
"FUCK!" I shouted a little too loudly. I heard foot steps, I panicked. I felt warm ooze falling from my right eye, i wiped it away with my arm
"Ew" I felt my teeth with my tongue, they were sharp. I felt 10x stronger, 10x more agile and 10x more ready to kill someone. I kicked open my bedroom door, breaking the hinges off.

"Come out you asshole, your not stealing anything today" I said, my voice was deeper and gruffer. I looked around the hallways, i saw some broken paintings, i scowled and continued looking for my intruder.


croaked a small but deep voice. I turned around. It was Mark. Standing there with a navy blue suit on and holding my baseball bat.

"Oh...Mark..." I seemed rather calm on the outside but i was flipping my shit inside, i just revealed my deepest secret to my friend...

"What the hell Jack..." Mark looked confused and scared.
"I...I...i thought you were an intruder" i stuttered, 
"What? i sent you a text saying i'd let myself in" I face palmed
"I fell asleep" I looked at Mark
"Why do you have my bat?" 
"I broke something...and when i heard a scream, i thought it was some kind of animal, so i armed myself like any normal human would..Anyway, what the fuck are you dressed as? is this an irish thing?" 
I looked at myself
"Eh...Look...this is gonna sound cheesy and well...rather weird...But ever since i can remember, which really isn't that long ago, i have these strange 'powers' if you will."
Mark raised an eyebrow
"So...what can you do?" He asked. To be honest with you, i thought he was going to up and leave but his response surprised me.
"Well...I have minor telekinesis, i say minor cause i can only move small objects...i can shift in and out of this body...I'm stronger than most people" I felt embarrassed talking about this, I've never told anyone this and frankly it wasn't very pleasant. 
"Well...I'm going to sleep now, but...You have fun with whatever your doing now...i'll see you in the morning" Mark said, quickly darting away and into the living room. He was clearly uncomfortable.
"Good one Jack, that went beautifully" I said to myself, slapping myself in the face. I walked back to my room and shifted back into my normal body. All i wanted was to go to sleep, so i did. I need my nightly 3 hours sleep.


Hello everyone! SSCP here :)
If you've been to this story before you might notice that it's a bit different, well that's because i've re-written it! I wasn't too proud of the first version so i hope you understand. 


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