To California?....well not exactly

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We start to board the plane as my mom says " Alex, Ashley I'm letting u 2 have the 2 person seat together and I'm trusting you to behave. Ashley I put u in charge of Alex if you guys need anything we'll be 2 seats away ok?" " OKKAAAYYY!" Ashley says " But BUt how come shes in charge?" I asked. My mom tells my dad something and they sit down" go to your seat." She says with a smirk. I grumble under my breath as Ashley looks at me with a smirk" I have full control over you. Hahahahah I'm in charge!" She sings.

I find our seats and look at the one that's a window seat. But Ashley had the same idea, we raced to our seats. I was so close until Ashley tripped me and ran in front. I quickly got up and grabbed her shirt I yanked her back, and jumped into the seat breathing heavily. Ashley plops down by me.
I turn around and smile evily at ash. I look in the front and everyone is looking at us baffled.Ashley and I look at each other and point our fingers "It was her!" We said at the same time. "No not me her!" We said again.
We started to giggle and everyone went to there seats. Ashley looked at me and grumbled about something like being in charge. Oh well I thought.
We start to fly up and Ashley stretches as far as she could go with the belt on her across me and watches take off. "Wow!" She says I agree.

**>^]>]^1 hour later<]*{?
"Aallexxxx aallleexxx?" I hear someone whisper. I fling my head up only to hit something hard. " ouch!" I heard. I ran into ash....again. " oops?" I say and stretch. " why did thou wake meh?" I asked confused. " There's a bad storm so we have to go to the Utah airport." She answers. I groan an slump back in my seat.

We finally land and start walking to our next terminal. We get there and the lady spoke into the microphone" plane to California will be delayed for the next 5 hours I'm very sorry for the inconvienice " she says. Whhyyyy I think as Ashley ground next to me. " alright kids u heard her go to the restroom and then we'll get something to eat." My mom says. We walk to the restroom and do our business. We wash our hands and play with the soap. This soap is extra bubbley.

Ashley looks at me with a menacing smile. Just by the look in her eyes I'm totally afraid.

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