Not a Bad Idea, Cipher

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Bill, Mabel, and Dipper all lay on the floor. "Where the hell is Bill supposed to stay?! If we keep him here we have to tell our uncles! But if we don't keep him here he'll do something dumb like eat tide pods or drink bleach or do something else that'll kill him!" Dipper thought out loud. "Ya know, we could just not tell Fez and Sixer, Pine Tree. Then I won't go and eat tadpoles and drink beaches. I wouldn't do that anyway though. Oceans are too salty to drink and tadpoles are just gross." Mabel and Dipper looked at each other. "Not a a bad idea, Cipher." Dipper smiled to himself. He stopped. Why did he just call Bill "Cipher"! Ugh, maybe I am falling for him... "Yeah! I like secrets!" Mabel smiled and broke Dipper out of his thoughts. "Ok, so we all agree. We won't tell our grunkels." Dipper announced. "Wont tell us what?"

Bill Cipher x Dipper: A New Beginning Where stories live. Discover now