🦋 chapter 10 🦋

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Oakley pov:
I woke up in uncle jacks arms and he was talking to uncle Zach

Jack: yay Oakleybear woke up

Oakley: yea I'm going to my room to play for a little bit.

Jack: ok ask lavender to play with you

Oakley: I think she is sleeping

Jack: ok then

I walked upstairs and then I saw Christina I walked passed her she looked like she was about to cry but I didn't care I saw Stepanie she was crying I walked over to her.

Oakley: what happened

Stepanie: my boyfriend left me

She was still crying I didn't know what to do then.

Jonah: what happened

Oakley: her boyfriend broke up with her

Jonah: it's ok honey there are so many other boys out there that will treat you better

Stepanie: thx dad

They hugged so I got outside I wanted a hug from my dad but I was mad at him that he loves my "sister" more every time I hear the word sister I think of taytam and when I hear the word brother I think of Ethan.

Oakley: hey lavender want to play

Lavender: I'm sorry but no I'm going to the mall with my mom

Oakley: can I come

Gabbie: sure

We got in the car and drove to the mall.
What Oakley brought

                   What Oakley brought

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